Seems that we machinists, at least I, always have
something healing up on the hands.
There's always that stringer chip to slice the finger, needle
splinter, in the hand or foot.
Also is the spatter from the welder, and burns from picking up hot materials.
Those grinders can be nasty. I have burns on the left hand,
and a cut on the "F" finger right now from touching the edge of a flap wheel.
I ignited a flannel shirt with sparks from a disc grinder years ago.
Two weeks ago, I'm taking pipes out from under a hot press, and knock circular
saw off the top, on to my head.
Swmbo called 911 seeing the blood spurting from my head.
That was good for four stiches.
I look at my sons hands next to mine, looks like they have been thru a war.
Keep up the goodwork!
You are a true craftsman, and your creations will outlast us all.