As I mentioned in my first post on this subject, that I had several run ins with the old cottonmouth when I did alot of hunting in N.W. Louisiana and E.Texas. I have stepped upon the top of fallen logs and as you are taught at a very early age look down before stepping down ther other side of the log. On two occassions I looked down to see the wide gaping mouth of a cottonmouth coiled and ready to strike! A 12 gauge at that range does wonders!! Late in the fall I would be squirrel hunting and walking down the middle of old mainly dried up creek beds and on occassions come upon a cottonmouth coiled up to where he was in a patch of sun. sometimes I would be 10-12 feet from them and they would strike in my direction, although the strike was somewhat slow because they are very lethargic due to the very cool nights and mornings.
I have during the early spring, had on two occassions, cottonmouths to actually get after me. One was shot by my brother, and the other time I was lucky to be able to pickup a limb about 8 feet long and manage to get in a good lick to break his back as I was backpedaling
as fast as I could !
Had another one try to get in the boat with me!
Yep! Don`t much care for old Mr. Cottonmouth!
Also if you are ever unfortunate to get bitten and even if it is a dry bite, you can get deathly ill from the all of the bad bacteria in it`s mouth.