Author Topic: Hold on to your hats ladies and gentlemen. MSNBC REPORTS Obama is God.  (Read 2162 times)

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Offline RebelCause

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Okay so now what. Are we back to the Roman Empire, where the emperor is a god, and we must all fall down and worship him?? ??? ??? :o :o

"All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void." Marbury Vs.Madison.

"Where rights secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no rule making or legislation which would abrogate them." Miranda vs. Arizona.

"An unconstitutional act is not law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though it had never been passed." Norton Vs. Shelby County.

Offline Ponydog

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    Unfortunately , the press is still so "bamboozled" by this clown, and his "smooth delivery", and his "grace and ability to thrill a crowd",,
   that the coverage is not drilling down to anything real when it comes to the debt this idiot is piling up.......I hope he still has those  clothes he wore around the old campfire back in his youth as a Kenyan's son....once America wakes up from his "drunken sailor spending spree" those may be the only things even he has to put on his back ....
“when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government.”

Offline H666

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Let's remember, with full respect, that this economic crisis is worldwide.  It hit europe, america and hit everywhere.  I think Obama shoud be given the benefit of doubt for at least half a term before calling him a clown and an idiot.  Is there any way of getting out of this monetary tailspin but by bringing in international loans and piling up some debt?  That's at least the only way Iceland is ever getting out of this, england is doing the same, as is germany.  I haven't heard a mention of any country that's got a firm grip on the crisis.

This thing is a split hair from the Great Depression and I don't envy a single politician that tries to help his country.

The worst thing is, that worldwide, we blue collars end up paying the bill for this, because we're foolish enough to play by the rules.
I sport a hefty 11-87 for my benefit as a proud waterfowler......

Offline BBF

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  • I feel much better now knowing it will get worse.
H 666: :)
A large number of the countries you mentioned are blaming the US housing bubble( below prime rate) on the start of this. The  minus prime rate fiasco was caused by the Govt when it bullied the financial institutions well before the present administration. So it isn't fair to blame BHO for all of this, he certainly isn't helping it either with his spending spree. 

The other difference between the US and other countries is that is isn't just one or two people in those countries that make the decisions and their lawmakers at least take the time to  r e a d  the bills before voting on them.. I agree with you there will be a rude awakening for a large number of folks.
What is the point of Life if you can't have fun.

Offline billy_56081

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Well I guess I kind of knew the liberal scum has thought of BHO as thier Messiah. Didn't they say the Anti Christ will come as a false Messiah.
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

Offline H666

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A Danish newspaper is calling the wealth accumulaiton of a few icelandic buisness men "the biggest scam since WWII".  They aren't lying I think, one of three banks that crumbled, filed the second biggest bankruptcy in the world in the last ten years, on a scale with Enron.  One bank in a country of 300.000 people!?

These guys sold their companies to each other, creating false prices on these companies.  Then sold out before they took a dive.  The Country is near in ruins and these guys are in a southern taxfree paradise enjoying a mojito!!  I have a good mind to go over there with my hefty 11-87 and run amuck.

Plus, blaming us for wanting a house over our heads is crazy.  What the real problem was, was that there was to much money with not enough federal backing, being thrown this way and that.  Fake money is what it was......   
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Offline phalanx

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Obamna is God ? How about spelling that backwards and you will get Obama.
Get rid of him America before the rest of the world does.
And we do not want to be in the middle of that ,and he isn't worth sending your children to fight for.
In this time i Command ,That you take the Secular to Jerusalem .
There you rid the Holy City of the Scourge of Islam , Make the streets run red with the Blood of those who wish to wash Israel and Christianity from the face of the Earth.
Constantine III

Offline Gary G

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Let's remember, with full respect, that this economic crisis is worldwide.  It hit europe, america and hit everywhere.  I think Obama shoud be given the benefit of doubt for at least half a term before calling him a clown and an idiot.  Is there any way of getting out of this monetary tailspin but by bringing in international loans and piling up some debt?  That's at least the only way Iceland is ever getting out of this, england is doing the same, as is germany.  I haven't heard a mention of any country that's got a firm grip on the crisis.

This thing is a split hair from the Great Depression and I don't envy a single politician that tries to help his country.

The worst thing is, that worldwide, we blue collars end up paying the bill for this, because we're foolish enough to play by the rules.

Why would we give someone a chance when he is leading us down the path of Fascism, away from the free markets principles that made this a great nation. Obama is following the same failed policies as Hoover and FDR which gave us our first Great Depression and he will give us The Greater Depression. Already, he and Bush, have given us so much debt that it can't be paid back without extreme measures of  raising taxes, which will kill any chance of recovery, or by devaluing our currency until it becomes worthless. This is the last fatal experiment of fallacious Keynesianism. We are living in a plutocracy, where a few wealthy men are controlling our destiny. I hope that a clearer heads can take control before it is too late.
The sole purpose of government is to protect your liberty. The Constitution is not to restrict the people, but to restrict government.  Ron Paul

The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first. - Thomas Jefferson

“Everyone wants to live at the expense of the State. They forget that the State lives at the expense of everyone.” — Frederic Bastiat

Offline H666

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That's the problem.  This situation can't be fixed without debts.  As for free marketing, that is what caused this depression, and it is what caused the great depression.  Free marketing is an elitist way, only aimed to make a few wery wealthy and the rest very poor.
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Offline bovril1a

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Listen to the original post with a pinch of salt.

The same person (Evan Thomas) also gave an interview where he thought Obama had a "creepy cult of personality"

Offline Gary G

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That's the problem.  This situation can't be fixed without debts.  As for free marketing, that is what caused this depression, and it is what caused the great depression.  Free marketing is an elitist way, only aimed to make a few wery wealthy and the rest very poor.
Well, that is what they want you to think, but it is simply not true. Remember the depression of 1920. No one does because, while rather severe, it was over very quickly. The government cut spending and taxes. The government uses it as an excuse to gain more power over the people and push their agenda. Remember what Rom Emanuel said, "let no emergency go to waste".

If free markets make us poor, then why have we been economically much wealthier than the communist countries such as Cuba? Why do the countries having a free market system have a much higher standard of living than all socialist countries? Why did RUssia and China abandon socialism for free markets?

Greenspan and the Federal Reserve caused this depression with easy money. All bubbles are caused by inflating the money supply, and then they pop correcting the malinvestment that was caused.

Listen to the economist Robert Murphy here: (this is very educational) He is speaking on the Great Depression and the current recession.

The sole purpose of government is to protect your liberty. The Constitution is not to restrict the people, but to restrict government.  Ron Paul

The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first. - Thomas Jefferson

“Everyone wants to live at the expense of the State. They forget that the State lives at the expense of everyone.” — Frederic Bastiat

Offline billy_56081

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That's the problem.  This situation can't be fixed without debts.  As for free marketing, that is what caused this depression, and it is what caused the great depression.  Free marketing is an elitist way, only aimed to make a few wery wealthy and the rest very poor.
Well, that is what they want you to think, but it is simply not true. Remember the depression of 1920. No one does because, while rather severe, it was over very quickly. The government cut spending and taxes.
If free markets make us poor, then why have we been economically much wealthier than the communist countries such as Cuba? Why do the countries having a free market system have a much higher standard of living?
Greenspan and the Federal Reserve caused this depression with easy money. All bubbles are caused by inflating the money supply, and then they pop correcting the malinvestment that was caused.

Listen to the economist Robert Murphy here: (this is very educational) He is speaking on the great depression and the current recession.

Lets not confuse these guys with common sence and fact. 
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

Offline H666

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True, this is true, but Cuba is a poor example.  While being deprived of buisness opportunities with USA it was also poorly goverened.  Castro bet on the wrong horse, and when that horse crumbled to a heep of uncontrollable ethnic and political units, Castro maintained this solitude of the island and made things even worse than they were before.  Free marketing, in the sense that the market is an individual, self sustainable being, is a dangerous path.  There will always be people who will manipulate the market to their benefit, so the free market must be somewhat controlled and policed by the government.  Look at ENRON?  Such scandals became daily news a few months after and that could have been prevented just by monitoring these firms.  Some of those companies had the single purpose of siphoning money to offshore accounts and go bankrupt.  That is free marketing.  The markets, though essential, must be monitored.

The difference between Europe, USA and in fact most of the western hemisphere, and russia, most African countries and such, is simply the state of education, and the fact that we frown upon dictatorship.  People in these countries have been manipulated for so long that they forgot that an individual mind is the cornerstone of democracy.  Democracy works.  Capitalism or not, democracy is the key. 

And Billy_56081:  What?  And also.  I'm European, which makes me social scum and not liberal scum ;)
I sport a hefty 11-87 for my benefit as a proud waterfowler......

Offline Gary G

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Free marketing, in the sense that the market is an individual, self sustainable being, is a dangerous path.  There will always be people who will manipulate the market to their benefit, so the free market must be somewhat controlled and policed by the government.  Look at ENRON?

Everyone operates in their own self interest. That is the advantage of Free Market over Socialism, ones success and the others failure. In the US, before regulation we had fraud and tort laws to deal with the unscrupulous. The US has been a regulated country since 1887 with the regulation of the railroads. Enron was highly government regulated. The government can't protect you from the thief breaking out your automobile window and stealing your radio, it cannot protect you from unscrupulous individuals. Most entrepreneurs are concerned that the reputation of their company is not blemished, if they want to stay in business. Regulation will not change this; it economically punishes businesses while giving false security to investors.

The pay of these multitude of regulators comes directly out of the private sector since they don't produce anything or generate any income. Thus are they worth the drain on society when they don't really protect anyone and force many companies to leave the US?
The sole purpose of government is to protect your liberty. The Constitution is not to restrict the people, but to restrict government.  Ron Paul

The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first. - Thomas Jefferson

“Everyone wants to live at the expense of the State. They forget that the State lives at the expense of everyone.” — Frederic Bastiat

Offline H666

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That's where Democracy comes in.  The people have a saying in this matter.

About socialism though:  Don't confuse European socialism with communism.  Socialism, especially scandinavian socialism acknowlidges the fact that the individual himself is to be free to his own actions, and the legislate will help and guide him with regulations.  Free capitalism creates too wide a gap between classes, creates classes for that matter, where there should be but a few.  Now, I'm not so naive to imagine a classless community, there will always be classes.  But capitalism has imbued many of it's followers with the notion that money can buy everything, and it should be able to.

I understand your point of view, and you've made an excellent point.  In many ways I agree with you, but I'm not a capitalist.  I'm too poor, and too stupid to be a capitalist.
I sport a hefty 11-87 for my benefit as a proud waterfowler......

Offline Gary G

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May people don't know this, but the first three colonies of Europeans to this country failed because they practiced a form of communalism or socialism where they were required to share in the labor and harvest. About half died from starvation because of lack of motivation. In the fourth attempt, they were each given a plot of land and could sell any extra produce, then the colonies began to prosper. So much so, that the king began to tax them very heavily. That lead to the Revolutionary War and our current Constitution which clearly establishes private property rights. Thomas DiLorenzo wrote a book titled "How Capitalism Saved America" that clearly documents these events.

Obama would take us back to this equalization process that proved a failure.

Milton Friedman on Greed:
The sole purpose of government is to protect your liberty. The Constitution is not to restrict the people, but to restrict government.  Ron Paul

The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first. - Thomas Jefferson

“Everyone wants to live at the expense of the State. They forget that the State lives at the expense of everyone.” — Frederic Bastiat

Offline Dixie Dude

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Hold on.  Free markets work better WITHOUT government interference.  The Great Depression was started in Germany around 1923 by them printing worthless money to pay back the Allies for the WWI war debt.  This caused them to enter a depression. They then brought down the rest of Europe since they had such a large economy.  Then the Europeans quit buying American products, thus hurting American companies.  Banks loaned money to people to buy stock in the roaring 20's since stock was rising faster than bank interest.  Once companies here especially export companies failed because of Europeans not buying American, then the snowball effect and brought down the market.  FDR actually made it worse by stretching out the depression through the 1930's.  Markets were actually on the way back up before he took office, then they went down again.  Free markets worked fine all through the 1800's without any government interference.  When they created the Federal Reserve and floated the money without gold backup like they had in the 1800s, it created the conditions of depressions and recessions and booms.  We will enter another boom if the government stays out of the way.  Anyone should be able to go into business without a lot of government red tape.  If they fail, it is their fault for not managing their assets wisely. 

Offline Gary G

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Well said Dixie Dude.
Let me add some economic laws from Hazlitt's "Economics in One Lesson". (in my own words):

1. The only way to increase a peoples standard of living is to increase production.
2. The only way to increase production is to increase capital investment which provides new machinery and new production methods.
3. Capital investment comes from peoples savings.
4. Since government produces no resources, it can only drain resources away from the private sector which would otherwise become capital investment.

Therefore, the larger the government becomes, the lower our living standards will be.
Socialism is all about big government control. (and that is why you see people in Europe riding bicycles, lol).
The sole purpose of government is to protect your liberty. The Constitution is not to restrict the people, but to restrict government.  Ron Paul

The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first. - Thomas Jefferson

“Everyone wants to live at the expense of the State. They forget that the State lives at the expense of everyone.” — Frederic Bastiat

Offline Dixie Dude

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Some people need to read Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations".  I admit free markets do need some regulation, control monopolies, and to keep the fairness.  We were doing fine until the banks were deregulated and the government coersed the banks into giving home loans to people who really couldn't afford them (Bill Clinton in 1998) and Bush didn't do anything about it except to warn congress to go back to the old regulations 5 times.  Dems wouldn't go along.  Government is an evil we must contend with to provide services that the private market can't or will not such as common sense regulations, roads, bridges, national defence.  Government can't promote morality or eliminate the poor.  Poor make choices early in life that keep them poor the rest of their lives, like dropping out of school, not learning to save etc.  I ran some calculations, and if you begin work at minimum wage and work minimum wage all your life, yet save 10% of your income, with compounded simple passbook savings interest, you would be a millionare by the time you retired. 

Offline helotaxi

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Main problem with running up a bunch of debt is that the gubmint has to pay the interest on it.  That interest is funded with tax dollars.  That's tax dollars that can't be applied to other programs and, since the bulk of the debt is being held by foreign entities, doesn't even go back to the people in this country.  Since the reality is that the federal bureaucracy will only grow never shrink (hard to sell the concept that firing a bunch of federal employees is good for the the nation to a bunch of mindless drones that haven't the faintest concept of basic economic principles) that means either an increase in taxes, a cut in some of the actually vital programs that only the feds can provide (national defense and border security come to mind) or both.

The biggest heartburn that I have with the "stimulus" is that the money is going to pet left-wing projects that will not improve the infrastructure of the country and won't even cycle back into the economy in any real way in the near term.  I'm not seeing any energy program that has anything resembling a good return on investment.  The only "green energy" projects that I'm seeing are the ones popular with some of the fringe environmental groups.  No investment in proven technology.  Still no nuclear power.  Killing the Yucca Mountain project without any scientific basis for any type of concern about safety (hell, it sits in the middle of a radioactive weapons test site that no one seems concerned about).  No consideration for developing reclamation techniques for spent nuke fuel to eliminate the need for the site or any like it.

The basic fact is that it's nothing more than pork and earmarks on a scale never even considered before.

Offline H666

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The socialism I talk of is NOT IN ANY WAY COMMUNISM.

Communism=commune, closed of, isolated form of living.
Socialism=social, each and every deadgum one of us.

Production is NOT the only way to increase life standards if the benefit of the production isn't delivered to the lower classes.

To eliminate poverty you have to increase education.  Increased education brings more production and thus helps increase life standards. 

If Capitalism and free market is such a good thing, then why weren't the USA better equipped to handle the depression?  If free market is such a good thing, why was there an ENRON scandal?  If free marketing is such a good thing why is GM is trouble?  The depression was caused by transaction of money that weren't real.  Money that didn't stimulate the economy as it should have because behind most loans there wasn't any money.  That's at least the deal over here, in Iceland.  It was also the deal in Britain.

Now, I know less of the American crisis than the european, but I know this:  The government can and should interfere with markets in some way, just as the police has to interfere with a drunk guy that's gonna drive.  Most of us don't drink and drive but we should interfere so the other bastards won't.

I'm getting mad over this and I hate the thought of it so I call it quits.  Sorry if I have offended any of you, it wasn't my plan.

Cut Obama some slack because getting us outta this hellhole takes a special kind a guy.  We're in this together and my heart is with anyone that needs to pick up another guys tab.  I have to, you too, so let's git 'r' done (larry the cable guy).

I sport a hefty 11-87 for my benefit as a proud waterfowler......

Offline renegade50

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to his welfarite constituents that voted for him in droves for the 1st time ever  across the country in all the major urban areas he is god of course................
heck they would have voted for marion barry or nipsy russel from match game 20/20.

pretty sad that the dregs and leeches  of our society in general had such an impact in the past election.

i hope it galvinzes middle class working americans finnally to vote in record numbers in 2010 and espically in 2012 and this never happens again!!!!!!!!

"generational welfarites as a way of life" should not be allowed to vote in my opinon they should be thankful for what they got period!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 until they can show some type of work history like 5-10 years or better yet enough quarters of employment to qualify for full social security benefits they should not be allowed to vote imo.

but jfk,s and lbj,s big plan of social reform and goverment programs (welfare) to swing the minority vote in the south and urban areas has reached fruitation and created a huge # of democrat voters dependant on the goverment from the day the umbilical cord is cut to the day the shovel tosses in the 1st scoop of dirt

i have pretty strong feelings about welfarites needless to say..........................................
work harder, millions of obama,s voters on welfare depend on you.

dead, down and on the ground.

Offline Gary G

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Thomas DiLorenzo on Facialism (what is going on in Washington):

I predict the people will turn on Obama, sooner or later, when the stagflation hits us in the mouth and they see that his economic policy is making things worse. I think 20+ percent unemployment and high food and energy prices are in store for us. I think this is the last experiment with Keynesian economics. Only problem is who will they turn too, another deceiver?
The sole purpose of government is to protect your liberty. The Constitution is not to restrict the people, but to restrict government.  Ron Paul

The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first. - Thomas Jefferson

“Everyone wants to live at the expense of the State. They forget that the State lives at the expense of everyone.” — Frederic Bastiat

Offline Travis Morgan

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Well I guess I kind of knew the liberal scum has thought of BHO as thier Messiah. Didn't they say the Anti Christ will come as a false Messiah.

Yeah, but who woulda thought THIS idiot would be it? Read a book called "The Third Reich". I was reading it after the election, and it's so close, it's scary. Obama's even meddling with the "Temple Mount" controversy, just like we were forewarned.
The first step towards liberty is an act of defiance!

Offline Dixie Dude

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For your information H666, the average POOR in America is = to AVERAGE European.  The average poor in America has about a 1200 Sq ft. home, same or better than the Average European.  The average poor in America has a washer, dryer, 2 televisions and a two cars in a family of 4.  So don't tell me that Capitalism is bad.  With a strong middle class and high productivity, the "pie" is larger thus the poor have more.  Anyone with the willpower, and hard work, can make a fortune in America.  If the poor, making America's minimum wage would save 10% of their income, they would be a millionare at retirement.  Only reason for poor in America is due to being lazy, or not smart enough to make it, drugs, or alcohol.  We have had a breakdown of family in America, and too much emphasis on helping the poor without requiring responsibility or accountability.  European socialism had given them high unemployment and stagnant economies or very slow growing economies.  You can give a person a fish, but if you teach him to fish, he can feed himself.  Education is only part of the answer, morality, and decency, along with honesty and hard work, used to make a person middle class or wealthy in America.  Free markets have failures.  If GM had filed bankrupcy last fall, it would be back in business a leaner company.  The government has too many strings attached.  We have Toyota, Nissan, Hundai, Kia, and Mercedes plants making cars in America.  GM is not as big as it used to be.  If companies make bad decisions, they should be allowed to fail.  Same with banks making bad loans.  Government is not the solutions, it is the problem.  Government caused this latest market failure, by forcing banks to make bad home loans to the young and the poor, with the excuse of having them own their own homes, without reguard to their ability to pay. 

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Re: Hold on to your hats ladies and gentlemen. MSNBC REPORTS Obama is God.
« Reply #25 on: August 03, 2009, 01:39:52 PM »
Right on Dixie!

Offline jimster

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Re: Hold on to your hats ladies and gentlemen. MSNBC REPORTS Obama is God.
« Reply #26 on: August 09, 2009, 08:10:46 AM »
"Free capitalism creates too wide a gap between classes,"

Actually...the classes are there because of the try hard and work hard with drive and focus, or chill out and relax and not drive hard for goals at all.   

Trying to even out the classes makes no sense when the classes most often decide for themselves in a free country just how far they want to go.

There have always been and always will be bum/lazy people, and people with certain amounts of drive.   This is what makes the "classes" for the most part.
If there are exceptions to this rule (and there are)...just fix a wee bit of that and help those who try to help themselves.  That cuts out a bunch of people right there don't it?

Offline Bladeforger

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Re: Hold on to your hats ladies and gentlemen. MSNBC REPORTS Obama is God.
« Reply #27 on: August 28, 2009, 11:06:42 AM »
As to the direction of the future of the economy... down, down, down.  Commercial real estate mortgages and systemic umemployment will drive the economy 2010-2012.  Here in Florida, 55-60 percent of commercial mortgages are EXPECTED to default in 2010-2012.  That's over half!  Look around at half of the businesses and scratch your head and wonder where they are going to be?  Some will just have a new landlord.  Some own their own buildings, which may be mortgaged.  Some will close down.  I warned people about the residential mortgage problems coming back in 2004 and 2005.  Now I'm warning anyone reading about the commercial mortgage problems.  In the words of George W. Bush, "This sucker's going down."


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Re: Hold on to your hats ladies and gentlemen. MSNBC REPORTS Obama is God.
« Reply #28 on: August 28, 2009, 11:49:35 AM »
The socialism I talk of is NOT IN ANY WAY COMMUNISM.

Communism=commune, closed of, isolated form of living.
Socialism=social, each and every deadgum one of us.

Production is NOT the only way to increase life standards if the benefit of the production isn't delivered to the lower classes.

To eliminate poverty you have to increase education.  Increased education brings more production and thus helps increase life standards. 

If Capitalism and free market is such a good thing, then why weren't the USA better equipped to handle the depression?  If free market is such a good thing, why was there an ENRON scandal?  If free marketing is such a good thing why is GM is trouble?  The depression was caused by transaction of money that weren't real.  Money that didn't stimulate the economy as it should have because behind most loans there wasn't any money.  That's at least the deal over here, in Iceland.  It was also the deal in Britain.

Now, I know less of the American crisis than the european, but I know this:  The government can and should interfere with markets in some way, just as the police has to interfere with a drunk guy that's gonna drive.  Most of us don't drink and drive but we should interfere so the other bastards won't.

I'm getting mad over this and I hate the thought of it so I call it quits.  Sorry if I have offended any of you, it wasn't my plan.

Cut Obama some slack because getting us outta this hellhole takes a special kind a guy.  We're in this together and my heart is with anyone that needs to pick up another guys tab.  I have to, you too, so let's git 'r' done (larry the cable guy).

What in heavens name are you saying, are you some sort of DNC plant or what? That all may be the biggest load of crap i have heard since the damned election!
“Owning a handgun doesn’t make you armed any more than owning a guitar makes you a musician.”

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."

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Re: Hold on to your hats ladies and gentlemen. MSNBC REPORTS Obama is God.
« Reply #29 on: September 10, 2009, 02:17:44 AM »
I like to think my ancestors left Europe to get away from government control and oppression. Capitalism has made the US the greatest country on earth and we do not need to forget it. 
