I hope she goes in there and rips that place apart.
GOP we are sick of you riding on our coat tails when it was us who held the tea party's and sent all those petitions.
NEWT ,give us a break , we remember back in 1994 when he could have changed Congress for good ,and he told our blue dogs to shut up and sit down.
Were doing it my way ,and look what we have today Newt.
They fear Palin because they know she is wildly popular, and that the conservative right wants her.
They know she will go in there if she is ever elected and FIRE every low life ,lieing , trash the constitution unless it benefits me, trader in Washington.
It never fails, a site like this and its members put themselves on the line in dangerous times ,and bring back our base ,them the GOP shows up late with the same old losers we had before talking the same old lies.
China quarantines Ray Nagin , American students are quarantines elsewhere out of fear of the flu.
At least Russia tells us like it is ,( We don't want your Disease called Obama spreading here ).
All of a sudden Americans are treated like Neanderthal street pimps ,and this is the new respect Obama said he would restore to our Nation ?
The once guiding light of Freedom and Capitalism is now a Banana Republic Dictatorship, while the entire world is now working to become what we were
Yes i for one WANT Sarah Palin , I want a Bulldog with a Barracuda Mouth.
I want the Palin i saw in Alaska in 2005.
Not that watered down , slapped like a bad dog shadow, we saw the GOP toss under the Bus.
The GOP is totally out of touch with its base , and i for one have not forgot that embarrassing episode where they left The ( GOVERNOR OF ALASKA !!! ) crying in an Airport blaming her for the McCain failure.
Thank you Greta for taking care of our leader in her time of need.
We have showed more respect for the Leaders of Hamas.
Guys we have got to get out of this cycle.
We need petitions going to the GOP telling them to accept Governor Palin , and to suck it up or get out.
The DNC has done a better job than we have.
The reality is the Sarah went into Washington with no friends ,and left there with Legions of them.
The cast of SNL ,Fox News ,CNN , most of them liberals who say she is at least honest.
She never really said she was against anything ,she just said it had no business in Policy's and running the Government.
It was the GOP who did her the most damage.
She is operating the largest state in America ,next door to Putin , and she is in the black where only two states here can say that.
And she hasn't touched her oil yet.
So a word to the wise GOP ,read up on your history .
Look up the Name Romanov ,and Anastasia..
Read about the guilt complex the Russian People have over this event and how it is almost 100 years later.
She is as American as Apple Pie , but she may just have some Fans and Kin folk somewhere who are not impressed when she is picked on.
Palin, Putin ,Hummmm .
About every one in Alaska has some Slovak background..
And she has been called the Little Princess of the North.
And Radio Moscow was very angry at how she was being portrayed in the election.
And Putin said she was one of the worlds finest leaders, and one of only three he has any respect for.
Plus she is the only one who ever made him smile.
And this man can be a cold blooded killer