Author Topic: Any panners in SC?  (Read 2163 times)

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Offline JRiddle

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Any panners in SC?
« on: June 08, 2009, 08:17:34 AM »
Hello to all, Just wondering if anyone here is from, or has done any panning in SC?  I'm from SC, done a little here and there, got some flakes, few small gems, never a nug.  Just curios about anyone else's luck in this area.  Jim
"Give me Liberty...or I'll get up, and get it myself."

Offline BIGDAVE54

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Re: Any panners in SC?
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2009, 05:43:18 PM »
Hello... I have called myself panning off and on since 1987 here. I live in West Columbia and have drove and walked across the whole state just about in search of some color.I bought a lil handbook years ago at the SC Geological Survey just off Broad River Road beside the State Police Acadamy ...if you know the area. It has listings of every known mining activity for gold in the state. The only gold i have found has been so fine it is not pannable. This seems to be the same experience commercial miners here have ran in to......Dave

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Re: Any panners in SC?
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2009, 06:52:22 PM »
Well that info from your book, and your experiences don't sound very encouraging.  Although I will have to look for that book, as it sounds like it would be interesting.  I'm an 'on and off' panner myself, been a few years since I've been out.  The only luck I ever had was up in York county, on a small creek, that I can't even recall the name of.  A friend and I went based on a little research that we had done, which amounted to getting a bit downstream from an old goldmine.  We panned for a couple of hours late one morning, and I found a very small little flake, about the size of a flake of black pepper.  We were finding a good bit of black sand so we thought we were on the right track.  By lunch it had gotten over 90 degrees and we were tired of sweating and the bugs.  We filled up about 25 or 30 5 gallon buckets that we had brought with material from the creek.  We exhaused ourselves getting those buckets up the bank to the truck, and it was sitting pretty low when we got it loaded.  We set up the next day under the shade tree with a garden hose in a homemade slucebox.  We ended up with four more small flakes no larger than the one I that I had panned.  I still have them in a little vial of water, once in a while I look at them and laugh.  Even though it's all for fun anyway, I'll never forget how hard I worked going through that much material for those 5 little flakes. 
Just wanted to share my one and only success story with you, nice to hear from another SC'er.  I'm about an hour up I-26 from ya, in upper Laurens County. Jim
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Offline jdt48653

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Re: Any panners in SC?
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2009, 11:46:30 AM »
Hello to all, Just wondering if anyone here is from, or has done any panning in SC?  I'm from SC, done a little here and there, got some flakes, few small gems, never a nug.  Just curios about anyone else's luck in this area.  Jim
                         placer gold in s.c.

cherokee county-the love(old palmer)mine 3 miles n.e. of cowpens.
the nott(or knott/old austin placer)mine 3.5 miles s.w. of gaffney,near the old cameron lead mine.the hanunet mine,3.8 miles s.e. of cowpens,one of the oldest in the state.most workings are in placer deposits around the mines,with the largest recorded nugget weighing 12 pennyweight(or 0.6 troy ounces).
the martin mine,1 mile west of smyrna has produced considerable placer gold,and a nugget of gold in quartz weighing 27 lbs,was found in a field just  north of this mine in the 1890`s
also along the tyger river and its tributaries in spartanburg and greenville counties
just to name a few!

Offline BIGDAVE54

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Re: Any panners in SC?
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2009, 09:11:30 PM »
I don't doubt there isn't gold in South Carolina. I have heard there is a chunk of quartz in the Smithsonian that supposed to have about 120 ounces of pure crystal gold(what ever that is) from SC. I have just never been that lucky at finding nice stuff or winning nice stuff. I won an ink pen once in the 8th grade and it didn't write. I worked in mining much of my younger coal and sand.Those are valuable things if you have a few hundred tons of it.heheehe...Howdy Jim!!!