Lance, the paragraphs below are basically part of an obituary written for Col. Chew in the magazine "Confederate Veteran" in 1922. None of the twelve pieces that were buried on the banks of the river are identified, but it does state that they were never recovered.
The Confederate Veteran
A Compilation of Monthly Issues for 1922
Officially Represents:
United Confederate Veterans,
United Daughters of the Confederacy,
Sons of Veterans and Other Organizations,
Confederated Southern Memorial Association.
Sumner Archibald Cunningham, Founder.
Col. R. P. Chew,
"On Tuesday night, March 14, 1921, peacefully passed away the gallant and heroic spirit of Colonel Robert Preston Chew, the brilliant Confederate artillery officer, whose record of service in the army began at the early age of eighteen, when his diploma of graduation was handed him at the Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Va., in the spring of 1861."
"As the war approached the last stages at Appomattox, Colonel Chew with a small squad of daring men from his battery, eluded the forces with which General Grant sought to crush the remnant of General Lee's army. They retreated south to join Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, then in North Carolina. A flood on the Roanoke River impeded the retreat with their guns; to prevent the Federals from capturing these, the gun carriages were burned and the cannon themselves were buried along the bank of the river. The men succeeded in crossing the river and in joining General Johnston, with whom they reluctantly surrendered a few days later. The Colonel afterwards made several visits to the Roanoke River in an effort to recover the buried guns, but never succeeded in locating them. The spot was surrounded by immense stretches of pine woods, far from human habitation, making it impossible to identify the location."