Author Topic: has anyone chronied a 4" .22lr revolver with std vel ammo?  (Read 3641 times)

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Offline conradj

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has anyone chronied a 4" .22lr revolver with std vel ammo?
« on: June 09, 2009, 02:33:03 PM »
i need to know what velocities i would get with 40 gr solids from a 4" revolver using std vel .22lr ammo.

anyone with real tests pls. ???

Offline Dand

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Re: has anyone chronied a 4" .22lr revolver with std vel ammo?
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2009, 10:49:17 PM »
Let's see if I can find my records:

7-5-93  Ruger Mkll 6 7/8 barrel Rem 22 lr Target 10 shots averaged 1042 about 10" from muzzle. I know its not 4 in revolver but its the first record I could find.


7-29-84  Darn, no std velocity ammo tested. All high velocity but  FWIW: gun Colt Frontier Scout 4 3/8 bbl. All ammo tested with 5 shots, muzzle velocity averaged from a low of 1008 for Win SuperX solids to a high of 1029 for Fed HiPower and 1028 for Rem Thunderbolt. Rem Yellow Jacket averaged 1129 and Rem viper avg 1115.

On the same day my 24" Marlin m 39A averaged 1200 with the Win SX solid,  1260 for the Rem Thunderbolt, and 1390 for the Yellow Jacket.

Maybe this helps just a little.
What I did notice was that game I hit with the revolver just didn't seem hit as hard as game hit with the rifle.  I had to be much more careful to hit vitals with revolver shots or I lost game.

Hmm this might be a good excuse to set up the old Ohler and run a whole new set of tests. Some of the ammo I have probably dates back to before the above tests were done.  I have a little std vel ammo now.  I could add my kid's CZ Scout, Chipmunk, and Savage to the program. And my shoulder wouldn't be sore afterward. Might be fun.  Don't hold your breath tho as I haven't managed much range time all spring.

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Re: has anyone chronied a 4" .22lr revolver with std vel ammo?
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2009, 08:33:24 AM »
this helps thank you, what i needed to know is will i achive 950 fps from a 4" bbl revolver with std vel 40 gr solids

Let's see if I can find my records:

7-5-93  Ruger Mkll 6 7/8 barrel Rem 22 lr Target 10 shots averaged 1042 about 10" from muzzle. I know its not 4 in revolver but its the first record I could find.


7-29-84  Darn, no std velocity ammo tested. All high velocity but  FWIW: gun Colt Frontier Scout 4 3/8 bbl. All ammo tested with 5 shots, muzzle velocity averaged from a low of 1008 for Win SuperX solids to a high of 1029 for Fed HiPower and 1028 for Rem Thunderbolt. Rem Yellow Jacket averaged 1129 and Rem viper avg 1115.

On the same day my 24" Marlin m 39A averaged 1200 with the Win SX solid,  1260 for the Rem Thunderbolt, and 1390 for the Yellow Jacket.

Maybe this helps just a little.
What I did notice was that game I hit with the revolver just didn't seem hit as hard as game hit with the rifle.  I had to be much more careful to hit vitals with revolver shots or I lost game.

Hmm this might be a good excuse to set up the old Ohler and run a whole new set of tests. Some of the ammo I have probably dates back to before the above tests were done.  I have a little std vel ammo now.  I could add my kid's CZ Scout, Chipmunk, and Savage to the program. And my shoulder wouldn't be sore afterward. Might be fun.  Don't hold your breath tho as I haven't managed much range time all spring.

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Re: has anyone chronied a 4" .22lr revolver with std vel ammo?
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2009, 08:55:14 AM »
I remember playing with my S&W M17 that had a 4" tube on it with a friends Chrono just for giggles and we were suprised to see that there was a huge difference in the high velocity ammo out of a rifle and then out of the S&W, Ruger revolvers or the browning auto.  The standard velocity stuff was not much better.  We were amaized at how it cut the velocty from the rifle(10/22) by up to 1/3 or more.  We also used everything we had in my range bag so there were some standard, hollow points, match, and stingers.  I was suprised at the stingers and how they were hot out of the rifle but lost more than 50% out of the hand guns.
So depending on what standard 40 grain ammo you use.... You may get 900 FPS you may not.  A lot of that also has to do with the revolver as well.  The larger the cylinder gap the slower the tighter or looser the rifleing the slower the bullet.
The only thing I can tell you is grab a chrono and a few boxes of shells and head to the range to see what results you get with your gun.  Why is 950 FPS important with a 40 grain bullet?  What happens if you can only get 875 fps or less?
I have moved to shooting CB longs for most small game even out of my pistols for short range.  Far less meat damage.

Offline conradj

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Re: has anyone chronied a 4" .22lr revolver with std vel ammo?
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2009, 10:16:02 AM »
i need the 950 fps for penetration purposes , slougtering huge hogs and i only have a .22 lr revolver and heard that you need 900+ fps for skull penetration. what is your view ?  i only have access to std vel 40gr where i live in africa.

i do have a 30-06 and 9mm but this will be over kill , i need to use my .22lr.

I remember playing with my S&W M17 that had a 4" tube on it with a friends Chrono just for giggles and we were suprised to see that there was a huge difference in the high velocity ammo out of a rifle and then out of the S&W, Ruger revolvers or the browning auto.  The standard velocity stuff was not much better.  We were amaized at how it cut the velocty from the rifle(10/22) by up to 1/3 or more.  We also used everything we had in my range bag so there were some standard, hollow points, match, and stingers.  I was suprised at the stingers and how they were hot out of the rifle but lost more than 50% out of the hand guns.
So depending on what standard 40 grain ammo you use.... You may get 900 FPS you may not.  A lot of that also has to do with the revolver as well.  The larger the cylinder gap the slower the tighter or looser the rifleing the slower the bullet.
The only thing I can tell you is grab a chrono and a few boxes of shells and head to the range to see what results you get with your gun.  Why is 950 FPS important with a 40 grain bullet?  What happens if you can only get 875 fps or less?
I have moved to shooting CB longs for most small game even out of my pistols for short range.  Far less meat damage.

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Re: has anyone chronied a 4" .22lr revolver with std vel ammo?
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2009, 11:26:39 AM »
Too often even a high velocity 22 will not penetrate a hog's skull, dependent on the angle of entry.  I've had them enter the front above the eyes, and exit the back and never break through.  They just followed the contour of the skull.

I've never had one fail to fall from a fairly straight on ear shot.

The back side of an axe works best.
Molon Labe, (King Leonidas of the Spartan Army)

Offline conradj

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Re: has anyone chronied a 4" .22lr revolver with std vel ammo?
« Reply #6 on: June 10, 2009, 01:37:17 PM »
did you use a .22 revolver or rifle and what ammo 40 gr?

Too often even a high velocity 22 will not penetrate a hog's skull, dependent on the angle of entry.  I've had them enter the front above the eyes, and exit the back and never break through.  They just followed the contour of the skull.

I've never had one fail to fall from a fairly straight on ear shot.

The back side of an axe works best.

Offline mechanic

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Re: has anyone chronied a 4" .22lr revolver with std vel ammo?
« Reply #7 on: June 10, 2009, 04:00:34 PM »
Old single shot rifle, ammo unknown.  Too many years ago, but I'm sure it was whatever was cheapest.  Also sure it was long rifle. 

I've also seen a hog shot point blank with a 38 that didn't kill it.  There is a place in the hog's brow where there is some mighty thick bone.  Usually we were shooting hogs in a pen, so we were standing over them and shooting down.

Try the ear shot, never had it fail.
Molon Labe, (King Leonidas of the Spartan Army)

Offline Keith L

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Re: has anyone chronied a 4" .22lr revolver with std vel ammo?
« Reply #8 on: June 10, 2009, 08:50:45 PM »
I witnessed a guy trying to slaughter a full grown domestic ram with a .22 revolver and just made it mad.  It took a .38 to keep it down.  Another hard headed critter.
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Offline EdinCT

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Re: has anyone chronied a 4" .22lr revolver with std vel ammo?
« Reply #9 on: June 13, 2009, 02:49:39 PM »
  My advice is no 22 out of a revolver for hogs. I have seen it fail to often. I do use a high speed solid from a rifle though or a 32-20 in the revolver with good success.

Offline conradj

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Re: has anyone chronied a 4" .22lr revolver with std vel ammo?
« Reply #10 on: June 30, 2009, 10:09:13 AM »
have you seen it succeed before?

  My advice is no 22 out of a revolver for hogs. I have seen it fail to often. I do use a high speed solid from a rifle though or a 32-20 in the revolver with good success.

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Re: has anyone chronied a 4" .22lr revolver with std vel ammo?
« Reply #11 on: July 06, 2009, 08:11:02 AM »
According to Skeeter Skelton's writing, they used to put cattle down in a slaughter house with a .22 handgun.  I don't remember what style or bbl length.  Back then, I'm not sure they had the 'high velocity' ammunition available.  A long time ago I also have chrono'd .22 handguns and Dand's velocities are very accurate.  44 Man
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Re: has anyone chronied a 4" .22lr revolver with std vel ammo?
« Reply #12 on: July 06, 2009, 04:11:08 PM »
conradj, I've killed a lot of hogs both domestic and wild, penned and free ranging. If you shoot them in the brain they go down. Either at the base of the ear or frontal shot. I prefered the base of the ear. I used both pistols and rifles and either worked. The key is to get close. Usually with a 22 revolver that was under 15yards and with a 22 rifle it was about 40 yards. You must be close enought to hit a bottle cap size target. Yes I know the brain is larger than a bottle cap but the spot you aim for is not.

I usually used 22lr hv solids.

Usually we were killing 100-125 lb wild hogs but I did kill one once that went about 450 lbs.



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Offline conradj

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Re: has anyone chronied a 4" .22lr revolver with std vel ammo?
« Reply #13 on: July 06, 2009, 05:54:33 PM »
thank you for the info, what barrel length did you have on the .22 lr revolver?
and what velocities do you estimate with the hv solids?

conradj, I've killed a lot of hogs both domestic and wild, penned and free ranging. If you shoot them in the brain they go down. Either at the base of the ear or frontal shot. I prefered the base of the ear. I used both pistols and rifles and either worked. The key is to get close. Usually with a 22 revolver that was under 15yards and with a 22 rifle it was about 40 yards. You must be close enought to hit a bottle cap size target. Yes I know the brain is larger than a bottle cap but the spot you aim for is not.

I usually used 22lr hv solids.

Usually we were killing 100-125 lb wild hogs but I did kill one once that went about 450 lbs.


Offline conradj

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Re: has anyone chronied a 4" .22lr revolver with std vel ammo?
« Reply #14 on: July 06, 2009, 05:56:01 PM »
velocities? 4" rev

Offline pastorp

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Re: has anyone chronied a 4" .22lr revolver with std vel ammo?
« Reply #15 on: July 07, 2009, 12:09:05 AM »
conradj, I used a 5&1/2" single six as well as S&W 4 & 6" revolvers. On the velocity, who knows, nobody had cronographs back in those days.

I believe your obsession with velocity is wasted on reality. The reality is regardless of velocity the bullets penetrated and killed the hogs.  ;) I don't believe 50-100fps will make much difference. It's shot placement that counts.


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Offline conradj

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Re: has anyone chronied a 4" .22lr revolver with std vel ammo?
« Reply #16 on: July 07, 2009, 06:45:05 AM »

conradj, I used a 5&1/2" single six as well as S&W 4 & 6" revolvers. On the velocity, who knows, nobody had cronographs back in those days.

I believe your obsession with velocity is wasted on reality. The reality is regardless of velocity the bullets penetrated and killed the hogs.  ;) I don't believe 50-100fps will make much difference. It's shot placement that counts.


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Re: has anyone chronied a 4" .22lr revolver with std vel ammo?
« Reply #17 on: July 07, 2009, 07:06:47 AM »
Yes I have done that many times. Thats what I'm telling you.

You can believe it or not, but I grew up in Flordia and we killed both domestic hogs(in a pen) and wild(free ranging)hogs with our 22 pistols and rifles. A 22 will not kill them with body shots or if you miss the brain. At least not very quick. You must be close enough to make a perfect brain shot.

This is no more amazing than Bell killing african elephant with a 7mm mauser using solids and taking brain shots.


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Offline conradj

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Re: has anyone chronied a 4" .22lr revolver with std vel ammo?
« Reply #18 on: July 07, 2009, 07:13:50 AM »

Yes I have done that many times. Thats what I'm telling you.

You can believe it or not, but I grew up in Flordia and we killed both domestic hogs(in a pen) and wild(free ranging)hogs with our 22 pistols and rifles. A 22 will not kill them with body shots or if you miss the brain. At least not very quick. You must be close enough to make a perfect brain shot.

This is no more amazing than Bell killing african elephant with a 7mm mauser using solids and taking brain shots.


Offline Keith L

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Re: has anyone chronied a 4" .22lr revolver with std vel ammo?
« Reply #19 on: July 07, 2009, 10:42:46 AM »

Yes I have done that many times. Thats what I'm telling you.

You can believe it or not, but I grew up in Flordia and we killed both domestic hogs(in a pen) and wild(free ranging)hogs with our 22 pistols and rifles. A 22 will not kill them with body shots or if you miss the brain. At least not very quick. You must be close enough to make a perfect brain shot.

This is no more amazing than Bell killing african elephant with a 7mm mauser using solids and taking brain shots.


My only thougt is why would you?  A wounded feral hog is nothing to play around with.
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Re: has anyone chronied a 4" .22lr revolver with std vel ammo?
« Reply #20 on: July 07, 2009, 12:51:03 PM »
its for slaughter not hunting...


Yes I have done that many times. Thats what I'm telling you.

You can believe it or not, but I grew up in Flordia and we killed both domestic hogs(in a pen) and wild(free ranging)hogs with our 22 pistols and rifles. A 22 will not kill them with body shots or if you miss the brain. At least not very quick. You must be close enough to make a perfect brain shot.

This is no more amazing than Bell killing african elephant with a 7mm mauser using solids and taking brain shots.


My only thougt is why would you?  A wounded feral hog is nothing to play around with.

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Re: has anyone chronied a 4" .22lr revolver with std vel ammo?
« Reply #21 on: July 07, 2009, 04:08:57 PM »
Actually Keith, when I was a young pup we did play around with them. We would catch the little boars and castrate them while avoiding the sow.

One friend of mine only hunted with a knife. He used catch dogs of course. Stick that pig just ablve the sturnim and twist the blade. It cuts the aorita off the top of the heart if done well. They bleed out in seconds. You litterly see them wilt and fall.

I prefered the 22 pistol. Pop behind the ear and they drop like their legs were yanked out from under then. You gotta be quick and deadly accurate but it was a challenge us rednecks liked.

Of course most are afraid of them piggies and listen to the gun rag writers. They say you gotta have a big bore, and you do if you shoot them a 300yds and take body shots. But I killed a lot of them with a 22lr. I got close, I had perfect vision back then and I could shoot. We would stalk them up to just a few yards in the swamps and they never knew we were there.

Just like Bell ghosting through the elephant herds with his 7x57 mauser. Regards,

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Offline conradj

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Re: has anyone chronied a 4" .22lr revolver with std vel ammo?
« Reply #22 on: July 07, 2009, 04:25:42 PM »

Actually Keith, when I was a young pup we did play around with them. We would catch the little boars and castrate them while avoiding the sow.

One friend of mine only hunted with a knife. He used catch dogs of course. Stick that pig just ablve the sturnim and twist the blade. It cuts the aorita off the top of the heart if done well. They bleed out in seconds. You litterly see them wilt and fall.

I prefered the 22 pistol. Pop behind the ear and they drop like their legs were yanked out from under then. You gotta be quick and deadly accurate but it was a challenge us rednecks liked.

Of course most are afraid of them piggies and listen to the gun rag writers. They say you gotta have a big bore, and you do if you shoot them a 300yds and take body shots. But I killed a lot of them with a 22lr. I got close, I had perfect vision back then and I could shoot. We would stalk them up to just a few yards in the swamps and they never knew we were there.

Just like Bell ghosting through the elephant herds with his 7x57 mauser. Regards,

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Re: has anyone chronied a 4" .22lr revolver with std vel ammo?
« Reply #23 on: July 07, 2009, 05:31:42 PM »
I believe I said I used 5&1/2 " single six and 4" and 6" smiths. conradj I also stated I used HV rounds, 40gr solids. If memory serves I think mostly cci mini mags. Before those I used remington. But I've never used standard velocity for hogs.

My favorite shot was a quartering away shot right at the base of the ear. You must picture where the brain lies in the skull and shoot for the brain. But I prefered to wait for the hog to give me the angle I wanted. When you shoot if you miss on a penned hog just let him settle down a little and shoot him again. If your not sure where the brain is saw the first one you kill head in half and look inside. The brain is your target but the easiest peth is from the ear or forehead frontal shot when he looks down.


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Re: has anyone chronied a 4" .22lr revolver with std vel ammo?
« Reply #24 on: July 23, 2009, 02:58:13 PM »
well conradj, give us a report on your pig shooting.  :) Regards,

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Offline conradj

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Re: has anyone chronied a 4" .22lr revolver with std vel ammo?
« Reply #25 on: July 23, 2009, 05:03:01 PM »
took down two 100lb ers last weekend , no problems.
between the eyes. std ammo 40gr solids.

well conradj, give us a report on your pig shooting.  :) Regards,

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Re: has anyone chronied a 4" .22lr revolver with std vel ammo?
« Reply #26 on: July 23, 2009, 05:39:22 PM »
See it works good dosen't it. They drop just like their feet were jerked out from under them.

And you used standard velocity, thats good to know. Like I said I always used high velocity but placement is the key.  ;D Good for you.



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Re: has anyone chronied a 4" .22lr revolver with std vel ammo?
« Reply #27 on: August 09, 2009, 08:47:17 AM »
Here it is, an actual velocity - My S&W Model 63 4" revolver -
Winchester T-22 target ammo, 40 grain LRN - 952 fps Avg 10 shots
CCI Green Tag 40 grain LRN bullet. MV 943 fps
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Re: has anyone chronied a 4" .22lr revolver with std vel ammo?
« Reply #28 on: August 10, 2009, 06:03:08 PM »
I don't have the actial figers right to hand, but a year or so ago I cronied several brands of 22LR from my 4in Ruger Bearcat, and all the "High Speed" rounds were over 1000fps. The only standard velosity rounds I had were between 900fps and under 1000fps.

It was just a fun summer day and I had nothing else to do. Don't know just where I put the paper I wroth them down on now, but from memory, that's the best I can do.

Hope this helps.

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Offline conradj

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Re: has anyone chronied a 4" .22lr revolver with std vel ammo?
« Reply #29 on: August 11, 2009, 08:22:37 AM »
that helps
im not fermiliar with the bearcat , is it a revolver?
how tight is the gap ?

I don't have the actial figers right to hand, but a year or so ago I cronied several brands of 22LR from my 4in Ruger Bearcat, and all the "High Speed" rounds were over 1000fps. The only standard velosity rounds I had were between 900fps and under 1000fps.

It was just a fun summer day and I had nothing else to do. Don't know just where I put the paper I wroth them down on now, but from memory, that's the best I can do.

Hope this helps.
