Woodchucks used to be plentiful around here (NE Indiana). I could go out for a day and shoot half a dozen. There are plenty of other folks that have discovered the fun + we now have coyotes that were not here before winters of '77 & '78. Between all the shooters and coyotes the population is down + they have changed their habits. Instead of burrowing in the open, they now stick to over grown fence rows, wood lot edges and building foundations. As soon as they see a person they run for their hole and do not come back up. In the old days they would stand up to get a better look at you. If you startled one up close, they would go down the hole and come back up in 15 - 20 minutes to look around. I would just walk around to another angle and when they came back up, they would look where you were at, not where you are now, giving you a nice clean shot. Used to be if they crossed any open ground or field, they would take a leisurely walk and stop to munch on the greenery once in a while. Now they dash across any open area as fast as they can go weather they see a predator or not. Now I have to stalk along field edges and hope I see them before they see me - other wise they are gone. Still fun to shoot, but less of them and much closer ranges.