Gents, we can argue all day about light VS heavy bullets, and all that stuff, but in some situations arguing caliber is moot. I work armed, but I am limited by local statute to a 4-inch 38, not even my gun, it's company-issued. I carry the best ammo I can find, and in my mind that's the Speer 135-grain Gold Dot. I tested everything I could find in Duxseal, which isn't a perfect medium but it gives me a basis for comparison. It expands well out of a 2-inch barrel, and is absolutely devastating out of a 4-inch. I carry a minimum of 30 rounds, six in the gun, twelve in speedloaders, and twelve more in an ammo wallet. And yes, there's still a rifle in my vehicle, with several loaded mags. I work solo, have no backup, and might not have time to dial 911. I have complete faith in my ability to shoot and reload well and quickly, which is why I practice two or three times a week with my duty gun.
Argue all you want about calibers and bullets. Shot placement still matters most. And while I once considered the 9mm marginal at best, the newer bullet technology is VERY good stuff!