Author Topic: What rifle do you shoot for fun?  (Read 2053 times)

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Offline OOBuckshot

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What rifle do you shoot for fun?
« on: December 18, 2002, 05:19:36 PM »
I wonder what you fellows shoot for fun. I still like to get out my 22cal. rimfire and burn up some ammunition. But just for fun, I like to load up my Golden Centennial 30-30 and play "see that rock" in one of my large fields. We pick out a rock at 50-60yrds. and see who can hit it off handed. Open sites and standing with no rest. Once someone hits that one, we pick out one a little farther out. The  Centennial and Buffalo Bill with the long octagon barrels have good  balance and are just plain fun to shoot.

Offline Zachary

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What rifle do you shoot for fun?
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2002, 04:32:11 AM »
Generally, it depends on what's on the other side of the barrel.  If there's a deer or hog on the other end, then that's my favorite gun for the moment. :)


I also have a 264 Win. Mag. :grin:   Just out of curiosity, what ammo do you use that is very accurate in your gun?


Offline Mikey

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Just for fun
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2002, 05:11:46 AM »
Just for fun it's my long barrelled Winnie 94 in 444.  With easy shootin' it's a whole buncha fun.

So is my 6.5 Swede, just because it's easy on the recoil, accurate and can hit anything with it.  Rocks tremble at the sound of my name.

But, then I've got these Mausers that just go bang-arang all day long and account for many soda cans, shoot n see targets, left over clay pigeons, lumps of clay and on occassion.  

The real fun during the winter is ice-cubes on a string at any range with your favorite rifle, especially if there is a bit of a breeze - great visual effects with the ice spray.  Try it with colors.  Better visuals. Lotsa fun with a 22.   Mikey.

Offline John (Rojo)

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What rifle do you shoot for fun?
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2002, 02:34:32 PM »
I have a really nice 45-70 Trapdoor.  History and nostalgia rolled in to one.  When I take it out, my buddies can't shoot it enough.  Right behind it is a Winchester 64 in 218 Bee.

Just somethin about thoughs old guns (quality and mechanics) that makes em fun.  You guys got me started on bein lazy with my words.

John (Rojo)

Offline JOE MACK

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Fun Gun
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2002, 03:49:43 PM »
:-D I shoot my high serial numbered (3xx) Marlin 1894CCL in .41Magnum.  It's real fun, hits hard with my loads, and has taken a couple pigs this year. Can't wait for the Marlin 1894FG! :grin: RKBA!
JOE MACK aka Brian aka .41FAN


Offline freddogs

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What rifle do you shoot for fun?
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2002, 04:01:28 PM »
8) I like shooting my Remington 700 varmint rifle in 223. It' just nice to shoot and cheap to load for. My Ruger M7744 is fun to too . It puts big holes in stuff.

Offline huntsman

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What rifle do you shoot for fun?
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2002, 05:49:54 PM »
Unfortunately, I don't really get to spend much time shooting "for fun". But for me just being in the outdoors is a lot of fun. I like to take nature walks and see how many critters I can identify. My shooting is strictly serious prep or the real thing when I am hunting (but it is fun to be a good shot). Then its whatever gun I am using to bring home the whole hog.

I guess the most fun I have shooting is (not very often) when I get to teach somebody new about rifle shooting. Most newcomers have no concept of what a high velocity projectile is capable of (they think it just pokes holes through things, like in the movies, right?). I love to fill up the biggest plastic container I can find (antifreeze jug, laundry soap bottle, milk carton, whatever) with water and let 'em have at it at about 25 yards. I just love to see their faces when the carton explodes into several pieces and water shoots 20 feet up in the air.  :eek: It also helps drive home the point about how deadly our weapons really are and why safety always comes first.
There is no more humbling experience for man than to be fully immersed in nature's artistry.

Offline Zachary

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What rifle do you shoot for fun?
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2002, 06:10:29 AM »

What do you mean that the bullets were "too long?"

BTW, I have spoken with Cole at this company.  He seems to be a really nice fella.  We also spoke about the .264 and he gave me ballistics data.

That notwithstanding, I was thinking about getting into the reloading hobby.  Rather than pay considerably more for other people to specially load my ammo, I would rather invest in my own equipment and actually spend the time enjoying it.


Offline Zachary

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What rifle do you shoot for fun?
« Reply #8 on: December 20, 2002, 06:54:21 AM »

Don't the 120 grain ballistic tips blow-up at such a high velocity from the .264?  What happens when you shoot game with these particular bullets from you .264?


Offline 1911crazy

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What rifle do you shoot for fun?
« Reply #9 on: December 20, 2002, 12:39:28 PM »
It was my 10/22 for years till i bought an sks for $59 and 1000rds for $69 I still shoot soda cans empty of course a little more exceiting than my 22 and i don't have to reload just stinking plinking fun if ya know what i mean.                                                             BigBill

Merry Christmas to all!!!! :D

Offline Doesniper

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favorite shoot'n iron
« Reply #10 on: December 20, 2002, 01:00:23 PM »
My favorite is my Rem M700 custom 260AI and a close 2nd is a M7 ss in 260.

Offline Zachary

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What rifle do you shoot for fun?
« Reply #11 on: December 21, 2002, 02:20:20 AM »

Unfortunately, my 264 does not have the BOSS on it.  Actually, it's not a Winchester at all. (It's a special order Remington BDL SS.)


Offline Zachary

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What rifle do you shoot for fun?
« Reply #12 on: December 21, 2002, 11:45:48 AM »
I'm afraid not.  16 to 20 MPH is a lot.  I'm not sure if I would even attempt a shot (at game) with that much wind.  The problem is also that wind is not constant and thus almost impossible to properly judge.


Offline Plainsman

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Fun gun! :)
« Reply #13 on: December 21, 2002, 05:24:15 PM »
My Marlin 1894S in .44magnum would be my centerfire 'fun gun.'  With my cast bullets and reloads I can shoot it for about $.04 per round, that's less than even the .22WMR and just a little more than DOUBLE the .22LR!  :shock:
Plainsman :)

"Aim small, miss small!"

Offline 264 WIN MAG

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What rifle do you shoot for fun?
« Reply #14 on: December 23, 2002, 11:42:36 PM »


Offline McSawyer

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max velocity
« Reply #15 on: December 24, 2002, 03:49:24 AM »
Nosler's handbook shows a max. load of 3230fps., but I am sure that SOME rifles can safely handle 3300. Some reloaders still use P.O. Achley's method of determining maximum powder charge. "If you don't have to take your shoe off at the range to beat the bolt open, then you need more powder."
I would never let anyone reload ammo for me that is anywhere near a maximum load. Every rifle is different.
I reload for some of my friends, but I tell them that I must have their rifle so that I can work up a good, fast, and SAFE load for them.
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Offline W. Tell

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« Reply #16 on: December 24, 2002, 07:52:06 AM »
my favorite is any accurate airrifle or rimfire, fun to splat painballs! or eggs! many fruits are asking too get shot too!  :lol:

Offline 1911crazy

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What rifle do you shoot for fun?
« Reply #17 on: January 04, 2003, 08:36:25 AM »
I have to say an "SKS" its nothing but a bigger caliber "22" and I don't have to reload.  Most of my modern guns just sit their for hunting only.  I mainly shoot my military surplus guns(8MM, 7MM, 6.5 swede, 7.62X54, 7.62X39) so much more fun and the ammo is so cheap.    BigBill

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Nosler BallisticTip 120 gr
« Reply #18 on: January 04, 2003, 04:34:49 PM »
I have used the 264 since 1963 and have experienced the 120 gr BallisticTips fragment on the rib cage of a 5 point bull elk.  Not one, not two, but three bullets failed to penetrate the rib cage.  One head shot did the trick and I found all three shots had been solid lung area hits.  Haven't used a Nosler since.  Swithched to the 120 gr Remingtons and have been very pleased with the results.  I have some .264 partitions that have gathered dust for years..................don't need them for anything up to elk.

Offline Gene

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Favorite rifle
« Reply #19 on: February 18, 2003, 03:36:52 PM »
Well if I'm going to just goof off and see how much damage I can do to the ground squirrel population or safety suckers at 25 to 50 yards.  I perfer my Stevens favorite Commerative.  It shoots really well and is a lot of fun to play with.  When I want more power but not enough to have a sore shoulder I take out my Thompson Contender Carbine with barrel and stock from Bullberry.  This little gun has a 20 inch barrel and is in 7TCU and is a lot of fun to play with as well as it is deadly on rock chuckswith anything under 150 grains that I use.


Offline Idaho Shooter

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What rifle do you shoot for fun?
« Reply #20 on: February 18, 2003, 04:40:23 PM »
Nosler has never, to my knowledge, reccomended any Balistic Tip bullets in 30 cal or smaller as an elk bullet. The 338 Balistic Tip is recognized as a dependable elk getter.
I know several people that use the 25, 270, and 284 Balistic Tips as deer bullets with great success, even in high velocity cartridges like the 25-06, 270 Win, and 7MM RM. I have killed several deer with the 30 cal 165 gr Balistic Tip in my 30-06 at 2900 fps MV. Only once did I fail to achieve a one shot kill with this bullet, and that was only the fault of the marksman.
I have only seen the 165 gr Balistic Tip exit a deer on neck or head shots. On any chest shots I have taken, the bullet has fragmented inside the deer, totally destroying the heart, lungs, and (depending on the angle of the shot) possibly the liver and diaphram. While any of these organs makes for a lethal shot. A deer will never travel very far if you manage to destroy them in combination.
On the other hand,  a premium bullet can not make up for poor shot placement. A gut shot deer is still gut shot even with the best bullet money can buy.
Judging from the performance in the field which I have witnessed and experienced, I would not hesitate to use the heavier Balistic Tip bullets in any caliber above 243 for deer hunting. But I definitely want a less frangible bullet when elk hunting.
One of the best guides to the proper use of a bullet is in the manufacturers' own loading manuals. Most of them will give a guide as to the weight of game and muzzle velocity the bullet was designed for. Many Balistic Tip bullets were designed as varmint bullets and are therefor very frangible. These are usually the lightest weight for caliber, and are identified as such in the Nosler manual.
Idaho Shooter

Offline ricktile

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Favorite Rifle to Shoot for Fun
« Reply #21 on: February 20, 2003, 10:40:16 AM »
I'd have to say that any one of my .22 rimfires are the usual fun rifles.  Cheap, no recoil and little noise.  Next would be my Remington 700VSSF there's nothing more fun than tiny groups at long range.  And last is any of my muzzleloaders.  There's nothing like the smell of blackpowder in the morning.

Offline hubel458

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Favorite is my wildcat 458.
« Reply #22 on: March 03, 2003, 07:15:22 AM »
My favorite is my 458 Hubel Express wildcat cartridge.350 gr bullet
at 3500 fps.400 gr at 3300 fps, and so on.We shot it 1900 times in
3 years testing 4 bullet wts , 17 powders, and 2 barrel lengths, for load
developement.We are going to get a run of brass made.Anyone interested
let me know.Here are pics of two flanking a 458 Win.Ed.

Offline Steve L

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What rifle do you shoot for fun?
« Reply #23 on: March 03, 2003, 08:22:07 AM »
Ed, WOW. Please give more details. What is the OAL? What action is used? What brass do you start with? And last but not least, What in this world prompted you to achieve that kind of velocity from a 350 and 400 grain bullet??

Offline hubel458

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458 HE info.
« Reply #24 on: March 03, 2003, 10:43:19 AM »
Steve-I built cartridge to outdo all other 45 calibers, with a straight design
that allows dozens of reloads.With moderate 350 gr load the cartridge on
the left in picture, was reloaded a 100 times.My test rifle was a Ruger 77
used as a single shot,also have an Enfield. The Ruger  was a 458 Win.
I designed it to be able to rechamber 458 Win,Lotts,Watts, and Ackleys,
as a powerful upgrade.I built the case from 450 NE basic brass.It is
3.45 in long.I have enough brass for myself, but others want to try it,
so we are getting things together for a run of factory brass.This cartridge is perfect for Ruger #1.Two friends are getting #1s in 458Win and they will just do a simple rechamber..If you need a 500 gr load it can do over 2800 fps. If loaded to actual Weatherby velocities, 25-2600, it would only be a 40,000 psi load, and brass would last.Ed.