Author Topic: River water to drinking water.  (Read 1027 times)

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Offline Chappers

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River water to drinking water.
« on: June 11, 2009, 02:27:55 PM »
I was talking to old mate at work last night and he was telling me about Lillypads get rid of the silt from water. He was telling me when he was out west he was at a property that pumped the river water to a dam that was filled with Lillypads. The water was brown with silt and they would leave it there till the water was clear them pump it to the house water tanks and apparently they used the water for everything.

I thought it was a good idea so i felt like sharing it, any other ideas that you have about cleaning water would be welcomed to this post.

Offline Yankee1

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Re: River water to drinking water.
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2009, 02:10:36 PM »
Hi Chappers
    When we studied survival for after a A-bomb blast happens
we were told to find a place next to a stream and pick a spot about six to eight feet away from it and scape off the surface soil and move it to one side away from the area. Then dig a hole in which the water would filter in from the stream. Then the water would be safe to drink.
You would still have to let it settle I believe before drinking.
I believe radio active fallout was the major concern. We were also instructed to travel upwind away from the blast area.