been going through some tight times and sold off a lot of my guns. divorce will do that.
i gave it some thought and decided i should simplify a little. i decided a 6.5x55 and .243 would cover pretty much anything i ever wanted to or could, poke a hole in, on this continent.
if i ever decide to go to alaska or something i would buy at least a .30-06 for the bears and such, but around home and the surrounding states i think those two are good choices.
the problem was that a) money is tight and b) i only have a 6.5x55 right now as i sold a lot of toys lately.
wandered into the gunshop tonight and found a like-new savage package gun with the birch stock, for $295. THAT is a .243 i can live with.
i will let you guys know how it shoots. i imagine it will shoot like the other 3 savages i have owned, into tiny groups.
i have also cleaned up my reloading bench, selling off the odds and ends we accumulate from trading and selling our toys. i got rid of all my bullets and dies to guns i don't own anymore, and made over $100 from the junk sittin on the table.
what are you guys doing during this "recession" to trim up or save? i refuse to participate in the hysteria, and will be simply trimming the fat i should have trimmed years ago. now i have a reason.