First off, IMHO, if you are going to have a break installed, you would be best served by starting with the longer barrel version to begin with, rather then the "Guide Gun" version, get the noise a bit farther from your ears.
You could simply send it out to mag-na-port, and have them do their thing. Not really noticable, no change in ballance, etc.
You could have the muzzle tapped for any of many add-on brakes, which is a nice way to go, so that when you are simply plinking, you can use hearing protectors, then when hunting, without protectors, you could remove the brake, install a thread protector, and be good to go, without the extra noise ( you'd need to re-zero the rifle ).
I don't think a brake shaped like the ones used on the .50's would be suited for your needs, they are obviously made specificlly for the nuances of the big .50 . Something more along the lines of what some folks put on .458's, .460 Weatherby, etc. would be what you would want. The brake maker, and the gunsmith who installs it, would have the best advice.