Good questions. For info on the conserved cannon, see 5:55 into this video: think the text info that comes with that video on YT has a link to the Navy page describing the conservation. It doesn't say how much the grant was for but I'd guess a grant like that isn't even worth writing up for under $50K, so the Navy expects each conserved cannon to cost $50K and they have exactly zero funds to do it. Personally as I say in the video, I dont necessarily endorse the microcystalline wax thing because it has to be redone each year or two, and if you just cleaned, dried, and painted one of the cannons, it would last for 20 years anyway, especially if a good grade of paint was used, one that had some penetrating properties like Rustoleum used to when it had fish oil in it.
So yes, they could use the results of the first conservation, but no they don't have any money to do anymore, especially at $50K each which in my humble opinion is way more than needed.
Glad you are interested, the Navy won't tell much since now I'm "the enemy" but I'm staying in touch with the private organization known as "Naval Historical Foundation" which can accept donations and help the Navy get things done.