The last time there was a war( oops Police Action) in Korea it didn't end up all that well. What would be different now??
The last time we were at war in Korea we:
1. Didn't have the weapons we have now
2. Would have squashed 'em if the Chinese hadn't entered into the war on their behalf which caused a stalemate
3. Once we pushed them back to the 38th parallel we entered peace talks rather than continue a long protracted drawn out war.
4. WE SHOULD have pushed them back all the way to china's tiananman square.
Wouldn't be surprised if the ship is Burma bound , since there is an arms and trade embargo against the country.
But it aint to trade rice!!!!
Burma is building a nuke plant and there is growing concern Uranium is being mined refined and processed into yellow cake.
Burma has close ties with Iran as well , it reinstated ties with North Korea in 2006 so I could see the exchange N. Korea gives
Burma arms and missiles and Burma gives N. Korea Yellow cake.
Yellow cake is just a processing step or so away of creating weapons grade Uranium.
I'm telling ya we need to squash N. Korea now. Everyone always focuses on the middle east ..
I Have always said North Korea is a much much bigger threat. Even bigger than Iran.
But dont Think Burma isnt playing middle man between Iran and N. Korea either .
They are all playing together trading ore and technology in their quest for a nuclear weapons (not non threatening Nuke Power).