Author Topic: the UK  (Read 767 times)

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Offline jamaldog87

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the UK
« on: June 19, 2009, 07:41:00 AM »
i was at the book store and i saw a magize called Airsoft International. Well i looked at it and well i see why the US is better then the UK. I like to play a little air soft too but i know this is just a game, they the players in The Uk because they never really have seen or used a real gun they like to dress up in a swat like or military gear(they buy real gear like ammo carriers and Type III armor  with plates) and go around in these fake towns and play war.

 Now i have talked to people that have been to war and there is nothing fun about reacteding that kind of CQC  fighting.  That why people walk all over the UK but everyone knows we don't play here in the US. I don't know why people want the USA to be more like the UK ::) yeah, if it's so good there why did you move here then?? was it for the freedom?

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Offline jamaldog87

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Re: the UK
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2009, 10:35:02 AM »
un, sorry i was just mad about something, someone said about the USA.
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Offline Brithunter

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Re: the UK
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2009, 09:36:47 AM »
I should have known better but I thought you might have grown up a little in the months I have been gone  ::) and perhaps even learnt something. However it seems you really are too stupid or lazy to do either  :'(

they the players in The Uk because they never really have seen or used a real gun they like to dress up in a swat like or military gear

of course YOUR THE EXPERT on the UK and it's laws and such even though you have never been here and are to daft or lazy to do some actual research before posting your nonsense  >:(

Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: the UK
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2009, 11:50:39 AM »
There are many here that too play with the air soft guns.
My old boss used to go with a group that would rent office buildings and have swat tactics there.
I was invited once and we were using the airsoft guns.
I climbed into the drop ceiling above the door and when the Swat team burst in.  I just shot each of them in the top of the head as they came in to clear the room.  None looked up.  made a great entry, fast and all died as they did not look up.
But it is a game and unlike real guns people are willing to allow you to shoot back at them.  Same with Paint ball. and hone skills.
The 6mm guns all look like real fire arms and fit into the standard holsters.  Unlike Paint ball.
As far as English law... Well unfortunatly they do not have a Bill of rights and we may not either if we keep ellecting morons and communists that look to end our country.  Sorry End is a bad word  How about "Change" our country and model it after countries like England, Cuba, and Canada for medicine.  England, the USSR, Cuba, and Austraila for gun Laws.  and the Communist regiems in Africa for Hunting laws.  The Communist countries there outlawed Hunting.  When they did all the game went away for many reasons.
1) no hunting laws and they did not need game officers to protect the game.
2) if the hunter was willing to pay to hunt and they saw the offset of those fees as a plus for the grain and loss to thier herds.
3) it is easier to eat the game than the valuable cattle and as they eat the same grass more cows can be fed on the land.
     The USA is a great country for now and is falling apart as we have lost our way.  We spend billions on the fight against poverty, while defering bridge, road, and rail maintence.  The Leves in New Orleans were scheduled many time and taxes were collected over and over agin to repair and strengthen them but that tax money was used for social programs.  If we had just given everyone in the 60's who was below the poverty line $250,000 it would have cost the country less.  The best way to get a better country is to get government out of the peoples lives.  Let goverment do what the private sector is not willing to do and give people an incentive to work.
Heck I think we should charge people for 1/2 of what it costs for their kids to go to school.  As the kid gets c's they get 1/2 of thier $ back, B's they get 3/4's back and A's they get all of thier $ back.  If they parents have an interest in making the kids learn and do thier work.  With out it... It will cost them.  Also we as tax payers will see a return on our investment in educating kids.  And educated society is a prosperous one.  Also it will make more people want to know where the annual school budget goes.  Most will be shocked at the waste.

Offline BBF

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Re: the UK
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2009, 04:23:57 PM »
Brithunter :)
have you ever posted anything that could be construed that you wished/hoped that the USA was more like the UK??  If you did, I never saw it. ;)
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Offline rio grande

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Re: the UK
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2009, 07:12:26 PM »
Brithunter was just venting. I don't blame him, after all jamaldog was knocking the UK, and undeservedly so.
There's some tough ol' boys in the UK, SAS and all that. 
And the UK sure has it's shares of problems, paki muslims etc., but we have more than a few similar problems here too.
The people are the same here and there, it's just the stupid laws and the governments.
The bad folk get a free ride, and the good peoples hands are tied.

Offline Brithunter

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Re: the UK
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2009, 09:35:23 PM »
Brithunter :)
have you ever posted anything that could be construed that you wished/hoped that the USA was more like the UK??  If you did, I never saw it. ;)

Not that I am aware of but then I don't wish that on anyone. The liberals and closset commies(Blair & Brown amongst them) here have burrowed their way deep into the civil service and government and have destroyed was what once a fine nation. Their dumbing down of the school system and giving preference to brain dead or just plain dumb immigrants whilst holding back brighter students (so we don't show the thickos up  >:() polices had speeded up the decline added to their refusal to even try and maintain our borders and giving illegals preferntial treatment  :'( >:(............

Now would you really wish that on America?

I certainly don't  ;) I have way to many American friends to wish any harm on them or their country  :). Due to the type of country the poeple are different in their mind set, you have lots more space so your culture has evolved around that fact here it's far more compact and so the people grew differently in their culture. There are few places in both countries which grew along similar lines and they are in the cities, especially those that had mass immigration in the early 20th century. Sadly the East End of London was on one of Labours "improvment programmes" and it's whole culture was destroyed by forcibly moving the residents out for re-development then filling the place with people from the Indian Sub Continent, those people refuse to even speak English and so the government changed the street signs to urdu of someother heathen tongue  >:(

The so wonderful Mr Blair learnt some nice dirty tricks and fiddles from the Clintons and possibly taught them a few and in applying these along with his oppo Mr brown have bankrupt the UK. Of course it should pave the wave for a nice Communist revival and take over or so they think. I suppose with all the immigrants they have shipped in they might wangle it but soemhow I doubt it  ;) The British are too set against that and at the moment there are still enough to stop it. In a few years ? who can tell.

Offline BBF

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Re: the UK
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2009, 10:42:01 AM »
Just as I thought!
We have to be watchful here as well because of certain immigrant groups that wish to bring their culture here and expect Canada to accomodate or adapt.

I find myself a target here at times as well being Canadian.

So let me take the opportunity to write here once more.!!

                          I do not wish the US of A to become like Canada !!!
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Offline jamaldog87

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Re: the UK
« Reply #8 on: September 22, 2009, 11:53:30 AM »
i was just shoot off when i posted this. I play a little airsoft myself and i got one of those saw airsoft guns(lets see someone get pasted that). I just don't like the UK for some reason, maybe it's cuase some many of them come in to were i work and talk about how bad the US is and how there better.

i saw this in a gun mag about the UK ban

"the UK has all but banned gun ownership in the name of crime prevention, only to see an inevitable soaring of crime rates. in a new response to this failure,taxpayer funds are being used to provide first aid training to local residents specifically to treat gunshot wounds.the manchester city is supporting the program and hopes it will " encourage people to work together to stop gun crime" but trianing as paramedice is not going to stop people from shooting you. A manchester police spokewoman says" we approve anything that helps saves lifes" well how about give people there guns to stop this from happening and repealing the laws that ebdanger the very people there are supposedly ment to protect? see that what happen when you stop people from haveing guns, once guns were every were you can't stop the people from haveing them and people will away do crime so banning guns will not help."

Guns Made America Great!!!!! even the good book is for guns. Luke 22:36  jesus commanded his people to be armed, so if he says it we should do it.
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Offline Brithunter

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Re: the UK
« Reply #9 on: September 22, 2009, 09:46:46 PM »
LOL Manchester  :o well they would choose a place where there is a huge immigrant and black population. It's a bit like London where most of the residents are not natives to the UK and then they use it as an example ................. Sheesh there are probably more illegal guns per head of population in Manchester than possibly anywhere else. Although Liverpool may be a close run thing. Notice it's always the Cities where the problems lie  >:(.

now if we were to clear out the illegals it would achieve several things:-

1) Crime would drop off the scale

2) There would no longer be a housing and job shortage  ;)

3) The national budget would recover quicker not having these illegals draining the system

4) Our CO2 emissions would fall substantially due to the huge population drop............ yep there are that many of them.

Oh whilst it may sound racist it's actually a fact that where ever in the UK there is a high coloured population the crime rate is far higher than other areas with a more mixed population. Of course we do have other problem areas where it's not coloureds like Kilburn where it's the Irish  ::) they don't even report the shootings that happen there on the news and have not done so for years as it's that common place. Irish peace iniative ............. LOL that's some joke. Hull has it's problems with the Eastern Europeans as does Boston (the original one  ;) ) it seems that you can walk through the town of Boston and not hear English spoken at all  :o Yep Mr Blair and Brown have an awful lot to answer for  >:(

The only your likely to be shot around here is by someone not watching their backstop when shootign game or by the incompetant Police farmed response unit dispatched to deal with a gunman who turns out to be a pigeon shooter or someone rabbiting  ::)