Mikey, thanks for the info, I'll stay away from the batteries, for sure. I deal with a local tire shop a good bit, I'll ask him about wheel weights, and as an ex-parmedic for the county, I still know a good many guys at the shop, I'll check with them too.
This is much preferred to trying to get them off the wheels of the police cars yourself..........Good advice, thanks
I have a question about the linotype, as there are a couple of small town newspapers close by that I may check with. I've seen commercially available ingots of linotype, they were 84%lead,12%antimony,and 4%tin, with a hardness of 22. Would the linotype from the printer be of the same proportions/hardness? Would that be something that I used 'as is' or should I use it mixed with a percentage of wheel weight lead? I'll initially be making pistol rounds, .38spl,.44mag,.45LC, maybe some 9mm and .45acp as well.
Thanks JR