Wow. You sure came full circle on this one. Starting out in the .30-30, and moving up to the .30-06?
And now you're thinking about paying $1,500 for one of the new Winchester Model 70s??
OK, now I'm with Krochus on this. The three rifles he mentioned would be a much better choice, and less expensive.
And, if you're really dead set on spending $1,500.00, then why not go out and buy an ORIGINAL pre-64 Winchester Model 70. You could get a very nice one in .30-06 or .308 Winchester. Even if you had to pay $150 or so to refinish the stock, you would be way ahead of the game. Then, your son would really have something classy! Whose making the new Model 70s this week anyway? FN? In a few years, they too will quit, and no one will remember or care. The original pre-64s will always be the gold standard.