Author Topic: coyotes with a cap and ball?  (Read 1019 times)

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Offline sachel.45

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coyotes with a cap and ball?
« on: June 24, 2009, 09:59:37 PM »
Ive read in many diffrent places that the .44 is capable of taking game up to the sizes of coyotes. has anybody done it? ive got a remington 1858 target that id like to try it with 30-35 grains of pyrodex and a .454 ball. will try to keep my shots to about 25 yards would that be reasonable assuming a good shot? what about 50? ive got a couple months till i start hunting them again so should have plenty of time to practice
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Offline simonkenton

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Re: coyotes with a cap and ball?
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2009, 12:55:01 AM »
I have no doubt that a .454 round ball would be murder on coyotes at 25 yards.
I've never tried it but it will work.
Aim small don't miss.

Offline blhof

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Re: coyotes with a cap and ball?
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2009, 01:58:33 AM »
I've hunted coyotes, and was never able to get them any closer than 60yds. except during deer season and sitting in a stand, then they'll come right up to the stand.  I've taken large feral dogs with my ROA and a round ball at 20 yds with a bang flop, so a close coyote should be a snap, with a well placed shot.

Offline .50cal

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Re: coyotes with a cap and ball?
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2009, 06:04:53 AM »
YES they work very well, Ive shot 2 with a 3rd mod Dragoon and 1 with a 58' rem. All were 40 yards and under but I was impressed by the power that the round balls had. My $0.02

Offline sachel.45

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Re: coyotes with a cap and ball?
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2009, 12:03:57 PM »
good thats just what i wanted to hear looks like i need to start practiceing
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Offline fistmil

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Re: coyotes with a cap and ball?
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2009, 02:37:49 AM »
What about the 36 ca. revolvers? I've killed lots of small game but never considered shooting a coyote. The biggest varmint I've killed was a large coon. The ball passed through both  lungs, and he died almost as soon as he hit the ground.

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Re: coyotes with a cap and ball?
« Reply #6 on: June 27, 2009, 03:31:42 PM »
YES they work very well, Ive shot 2 with a 3rd mod Dragoon and 1 with a 58' rem. All were 40 yards and under but I was impressed by the power that the round balls had. My $0.02

.50cal. What load were you using in those revolvers?
I`m thinking about getting one of the 3rd mod Dragoon`s!
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Offline longcaribiner

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Re: coyotes with a cap and ball?
« Reply #7 on: June 29, 2009, 03:44:18 AM »
I have a very old Ideal mold that throws a .456 wad cutter bullet that runs about 195 grains that I load in my Ruger old Army.  With as much powder as I can get in and that bullet, it carries better than a round ball out to about 75 yds, where it starts losing stability.  I've also loaded a 240 grain 45-70 bullet, but can't get enough powder under it to get much power.

In PA it is illegal to shoot dogs under most circumstances, except that I have had a few chasing my sheep, and the Ruger has done an ok job with just a round ball.  Although the larger dog required two shots.  In PA cap and ball revolvers are not legal for hunting most animals, the exceptions are 23 caliber and under for small game, and any cap and ball revolver for coyotes and wood chucks.

Offline GaZirra

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Re: coyotes with a cap and ball?
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2009, 09:49:39 AM »
Yep.....quite capable.
I've taken larger game as well...............

I've got a stainless 1858 Remington...8 inch barrel.....loaded with 32gr of T7 and .451'll cover a half dollar at 25 yards and has taken small game as well as a wild hog of about 160lbs........two shots, quick succession, about 12 yards broadside.....both shots penetrated the near shoulder, went through both lungs and lodged into the blade of the far shoulder.....dropped dead on the second shot. The .451s were mushroomed nicely.
I've also got a 1858 Remington Bison....brass frame....12inch barrel....same load....whitetail doe at 20 shot....blew her heart apart....two steps and down. Complete penetration.
I've taken  coyotes on bait at about shot kills....2 dropped without taking a step and the third went about 20 yards before piling up.

Note that these larger kills were at very close range....animals were not spooked.......and if conditions are right,  I would not hesitate to do either again. 
I run alot of powder and shot through my rigs and know what they like....conversely they do as I ask of them....and yes they are limited in power for larger game....that's why I like to keep it close.