Mikey last year there were 5,100 car deer accidents and 7,000 deer harvested during the season in St Lawrence county, which is a lot. I help with a youth pheasant hunt at basswood on the 9/26. I do a safety seminar and help with the birds. Let me know when you get here, we can meet and say hi. The 27th early bow starts here and you have 4 days with last years tags. So if it is after that, bring a bow and we can smack a deer if you partake in such things. Another thing to remember is across the road from basswood is all state land which they release pehasants every year. So I hunt the free ones lol. The border patrol is quite prevelant here, but they seem to be bothering the drug runners out of the reservation more than most people. Stay off route 37 as they have road blocks all the time between morristown and massena. I get caught in them for work a lot.