Gun nut, how do you explain all those holes in the stock? They were drilled there to hold the poured on cap in place. They are not screws or nails or studs, and are very soft--like--um--PEWTER. I have the gun right in front of me, I see the pewter studs, I see the drilled holes, and the cap is missing, I can't explain why its gone, just that it is gone and it WAS a poured cap. By the way, I also know how to pour a cap and refinish wood, I just wanted a professional opinion on what this might cost to get reimbursed for damage. Also AMT is out of business, I copied this from the web:
AMT started in California by Harry Stanford and they were mfg in Irwindale, ElMonte, Arcadia, and Covena. AMT did go thru several name changes as IAI, OMC, etc. for whatever reason. IT should also be noted that many believe Ruger sued and won a lawsuit against AMT over the AMT 22 Lightning semi-auto pistol (very similiar to the Ruger MK1) when, in fact, Mr. Ruger did not want to injure another firearm mfg so they worked out an agreement so AMT continued to mfg the AMT Lightning pistol.
Toward their 'end' in California, the name was changed to Galena Enterprises, Inc. Shortly thereafter they moved their operation to Sturgis South Dakota but went bankrupt about a year or so later. The actual bankruptcy sale bill is posted on the web site at to view.
High Standard acquired the rights and equipment to mfg and market the AMT line of firearms. They are now in production and the line currently being produced is shown on line at: Parts for those models currently being mfg are available from High Standard.