I want to say first that I am thankful for all the help so far. You guys have given me some great information and ideas.
Second, I haven’t given this rifle a good test of loads (just finding this out now)! The 405 gr bullets that I had boxed up and haven’t been testing gave me a good surprise.
FYI: I was hell-bent on re-creating the classic 45-70 experience (45-70-405) two years ago, so I jumped right into 777 “blackpowder” loads, had some success with it, but moved so quickly into smokeless and 300gr loads without following through on testing the 405gr further.
Latest range results:
- Loads tested (5 shots per):
o 300 gr, resized and lubed .457 with that Lee resize kit
o 300 gr with the default .459 un-sized bullets; a reduced load though (one grain less Unique)
o Pulled out my old box of 405 gr, dusted the box off, and loaded a set.
- At the range:
o Load still shot wide, close to 4”, but nothing resembling a group. No definable change from previous tests.
o Second load shot a 2.5” group. Interesting…
o Third load shot a 2” group, with three holes at 1”. One flier 4" away though.
I built a new set of loads to test some more (10 shots per):
- Same 405 gr load; I want to verify the groups again on this one with a 10 shot set.
- 300 gr with 11 gr Unique. Reduced one grain further to see if improvement continues...
The load data I’m using comes straight from the GMDR.com Oregon Trail loads link on their site. When I used starting loads of slower burning powders, the performance dropped off, which is why I switched to faster burning powders. They do burn very clean, with no un-burnt powder in the barrel. Also, I do safety checks with a marked dowel rod in the cartridge to prevent double charges.
Weather has been bad today, so testing is going to be delayed…