While the .22 LR has the ability to take game such as deer (however it is illegal, at least here) it can been done with a headshot, however they won't go quietly into the freezer,or so I have heard?) I would, myself, prefer at least a .22 mag,the .22 mag will kill a fox or yote (done it,although they were trapped first) has just a little more power, won't add much additional weight and I would feel more confident in killing with it than a .22lr. the ruger bearcat has the ability to change cylinders for either .22 lr or .22 mag, same with the Hertiage rough rider pistols. Which both offers the same options as the NEF rifles (ability to change calibers). plus cabelas has a nice hoslter set that works well for them, and you can carry addtional rounds on your belt for either.
Me? I carry the 45/70 handirilfe, or the 45LC winchester 94 and a single action .45lc pistol,but we do have the bears, big cats, yotes, wolves, hogs, and coydogs (many of these I see around the house) We had a guy mauled by a bear, less than 1 mile from me 2 yrs ago, and this year a kids dog was killed by hog(s) in his own yard just 10 miles south of me. We just had a news report that bear population is upto 30,000 here in wisconsin and wild hogs are up by 40% (killed this year over number last year) in fact people are starting to hit them with cars at night, last weekend the dumb$^% police shot a bear in the middle of one of the larger cities here, that wondered into the middle of the park.