This response to the original question may be late but the problem got my juices flowing again so here's another answer - I really don't have time to do this but what I would or could do for all of you guys that are looking for projectiles to fit your cannons would be to take an impression of the cannon bore. Then I would fashion a mold from the impression and depending upon what type of projectile you want, plastic or metal etc, I would cast the projectile. There is some very good quality, low shrink urethane resin on the market, available online, that is two parts. You can add glass or metal fillers if you wish, to change the properties of the finished product. Adding filler helps minimize volume shrinkage even further. As mentioned in another string about casting projectiles, I have not worked at the larger scale most of you are in with your cannons but I'm sure that up to a certain size bore, casting would be a feasible way to get your projectiles. Just a thought. If I had time I could make a video to show the steps for taking the original bore impression, making the negative mold from that impression, mixing the resin with filler(s) and casting, finishing a projectile. I have no cannons, however, and so I'd have to collaborate with someone here via mail. I am willing to do this at no cost for someone with a cannon bore of 1 inch or something like that as a first experiment. PM me and I will make arrangements to ship materials to you so that you can take the impression of the cannon bore. I will ask you to ship the impression back to me. I will make the mold and cast the projectile, making video as I go. I will return the projectile via snail mail and ask the collaborator to test it in the cannon, with video. Altogether we could put together a nice instructional video from start to finish, if it works!