I sincerely hope not. Look at the current government health care programs, the military and VA.
With the military they know they can not care for everyone, they don't have enough doctors. So they send people off base to civilian doctors under a system called Tricare. After years of late payments, underpaying, or refusing to pay, the off base doctors are refusing to see Tricare patients.
As for the VA, the doctors have trouble speaking english, or they have been kicked out of civilian practice for one reason or another, and the VA is so desperate they will take anyone they can get. If a Doctor screws up, it is covered up, swept under the carpet, and the doctor is transfered to another clinic to start all over again. It takes three to four months to get an appointment. If something else comes up good luck getting in to see someone else downtown. If you do they want payment up front before they will see you, they will not see you as a VA patient with VA to pay the bill. If I need to go to a hospital, the VA wants to send me to Seattle, 2500 miles, and a five hour airplane ride away. Passing two higher quality hospitals in Anchorage on the way. Better hope it is not for Emergency Surgery!
When the Cardiologist put me on Lipator after my by-pass, it worked great. My cholesterol came down and I had no side affects. The VA doctors decided to change me to a generic brand, Lipator cost too much. These generic drugs had some serious side affects. Leg cramps, muscle weakness, sore achy muscles, and lack of coordination. The VA doctors will not write a prescription for a local pharmacy, and let me pay for the drug myself. They require me to use the VA pharmacy in Anchorage, 400 miles away, and I get my drugs through the mail. When I am getting low I have to order them two weeks in advance, and hope they get here in time. Often they send the wrong ones too.
Enough of my rant, I could go on all day about the VA. But I am sure you have seen the news stories about the deploriable conditions of the VA hospitals, and care. Does everyone in the US want the same kind of care?