Ohio, I do not use a 243 BUT I do have several 6mm's. I use cci200 primers in SOME loads. Most ball/spherical powders need a hotter spark to light them off. Powders like WW 748 &760 work better in MY 6mm's when I use cci250 primers.The 95 gr partition bullet is a great deer antelope bullet.
I,d try several powder primr combinations to get the best accuracy. But for deer hunting I'd use what ever gave me 1.5 inch groups @100yds consistently.Hot or cold weather,rain or shine. Loads getting ~ 2900 /3000 fps sighted at 200 yards will kill any deer out to 250 yards with out needing any hold over/under.
We dropped back to 85-87 grain bullets after some pass thru hits on deer that resulted in some one else claiming the deer.We had been using 100 grainers. The deer did not run 50 yards after we switched! We even stopped shooting thru the shoulder with the 85-87 grainers.!
best of luck to you,jh