In the spirit of the two ther posts on plates and sweeps, here is anothe stage fired om 24-8" falling plates.
Man on Man
2 shooters with the following:
2 handguns loaded with 5 rounds each, holstered.
rifle with 5 rounds loaded and with empty chamber placed in rack. Extra rounds on person.
20 yards from 8" plates, shooters stand on each side of the gun rack. Draw handguns and work thier way from their side to the center. When handgiuns are dry, pick up rifle and continue to fire. There are 12 plates on each side and 15 rounds in each shooter's firearms. The man that gets to the center is the winner of the gunfight. The timer has to note his time at that point. The winner continues to sweep the rest of the targets from his center target and if he shotos down any of his pard's targets he gets a 5 second bonus for each one.
Whaddya think?
Lone Yanke with nuttin' else to do but dream up stages.