the baiting ban is a farce.
the winters in the UP are longer and harder then in the lower, yet baiting is allowed there
there has not been any cwd deer found in the wild in the Up or lower.
there was 1 deer brought into michigan with cwd ( why they are not checked is beyond me )
i was told by a dnr official that they may allow baiting in the lower, if hunters buy permits to bait
biological fact, deer are grazing animals, they congrate together when feeding in the wild, naturally
another fact, baiting help some deer to make it thru the winters alive, and i doubt that it hurts the others by spreading diease
there is a dmv doc that adamitly denies the cwd issue, and this dr. has been refused to attend dnr meetings and has made attempts to speak out independently .
the dnr imposed on people to turn in thier neibghors for baiting, to tresspass if need be to find out if landowner were infact bait..
how can the dnr encourage law breaking to support their self imposed rules ?
the only waste diease we have, is the dnr