Author Topic: The Truth & Nothing But The Truth !!!  (Read 1210 times)

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Offline razmuz

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The Truth & Nothing But The Truth !!!
« on: September 26, 2003, 12:43:08 PM »
Is what they say about Ruger rifle triggers true?  Are they really that bad?  If I get that 257 Roberts I've been lusting for will I have to spend another $100 for a trigger job?  Tell me it ain't so.

Offline Dave in WV

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The Truth & Nothing But The Truth !!!
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2003, 12:55:24 PM »
They vary. I had a lot of creep in my .243. My son bought a .280 stainless laminated last Dec. and it has a nice trigger. You can get a replacement trigger for $70 or a little less and install it yourself if you don't like what yours has. I'm guessing you'll have to order the rifle you want so you can't try before you buy. Some gunsmiths wil do a trigger job on a factory trigger for less. BTW, most factory triggers suck now.  :(  Dave
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Offline GTBuzz

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The Truth & Nothing But The Truth !!!
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2003, 04:24:55 PM »
Ruger triggers stink.   Not only are they really heavy, they are not adjustable.  Remington, Winchester, and Savage also come with heavy triggers but they are adjustable.

You can either get a trigger job or get a Timney.

Offline detritus

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The Truth & Nothing But The Truth !!!
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2003, 10:17:46 PM »
Almost all factory triggers suck, esp those found on american made guns.  

the only reasonably priced american made rifles i can think of at the moment that do NOT have sucky OTB triggers are the new "Accu-trigger" savages, but they have not yet switched over completely to the new receiver (new trigger design required a receiver re-design).  so the non traget/varmint/tactical  guns are still coming out with the horrid hit or miss (pun intended) factory triggers.

if or probably when Savage begins to put out the "normal" weight guns with the new receiver/trigger, many of the other big names may need to be on the look out as to sales, that thing is SWEET

what's bad is the ruger factory unit is near or AS bad as the old-style savage, granted teh ruger rifles are of an at least slightly higher grade across the board, but for 50%(or higher on some configs) more money you'd at least expect teh trigger to be a LITTLE better.

Offline SingleShotShorty

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The Truth & Nothing But The Truth !!!
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2003, 05:25:13 AM »
As others have said the Ruger Factory triggers really suck. You can either have a gunsmith work on the factory trigger or do as I have on all my MKII's is install a timney trigger. If I could have Ruger do one thing it would be BRING BACK THE TANG SAFETY MODEL with adjustable trigger.
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Offline GTBuzz

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The Truth & Nothing But The Truth !!!
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2003, 05:49:43 PM »

The old style Savage trigger is adjustable to about 3#.  The Ruger can't touch that.  The Savage may not be as pretty as the Ruger or as finely finished, but I can almost guarantee you it would be more accurate.   I've never been real impressed with Ruger accuracy, and I think they are probably near the bottom of all the majors in accuracy.  I am on my 4th one now and I've never had one that shot worth the hoot.

Offline detritus

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« Reply #6 on: October 16, 2003, 03:56:51 AM »
actually i never looked into it much, the only gun i've ever had that i got "serious" about accuracy wise was a Savage i bought back around 96 or 97, old style trigger (i even thin at that time only timney was making a replacement), it was a .223 on a long action (within a year they brought out the short actions).

I loved that gun, most accurate rifle i've ever had and hwile the trigger could ahve been better, it was better than many i've seen.

maybe (probably) i was being a bit overgenerous about the ruger 77 triggers. but then again i've only ever really had two examples to to compare to the rest of what's out there.   many, many Ruger's in the house growing up, but only two M-77s a 77/22H (that doesn't really count as a real comparison) and a .223 that was "OK" trigger wise.

truth is i have not experienced a gun with a decent factory trigger, that was built after 1970.....  

well untill this year when teh accu-trigger Savages came out.

Offline Bullseye

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The Truth & Nothing But The Truth !!!
« Reply #7 on: October 16, 2003, 05:49:13 PM »
I have a SS, SRH and GP100.  The triggers on the SRH and GP100 had not creep and were smooth from the factory.  The SRH had a 4lb pull and the GP100 a 5.5lb pull.  Changed the springs and both now have great triggers in the 3.5lb range.  Now the SS is a different story.  Lots of creep and about a 6lb pull.  I change the spring and got the weight down but it still has tons of creep.  Need to have a smith work on it for me.