I apologize for not being here too answer the statements I made.
First I am not racial or a racist, in this instance racial was correct because I was not accusing him of bein a racist but racial in his off handed remarks.
I do not see color as being a defineing factor in a persons strengths or weaknesses.
I do not think that ethnic origin has a defing factor in strengts or weaknesses.
The statement made by Obama was self defineing. It was taken by the the officer as racial. It was taken by the police line of command as being racial. It was certainly taken by the reporting press as racial.
Now I would agree that you may question that there was nothing racial in the statement, however; I would deny that you are correct.
It is my opinion that he ment it just as he said it and he intended it to be racial.
Folks have been relieved of their employment for making much less interpreted racial statements.
I would suggest that this also would be held up for review if a person of any other person of the white ethnic origin had made it.
What I am really wondering is why you have so much time on your hands to draw such conclusions.
I think I am suggesting that you plant some tomatos or onions or paint the house. you just have too much time on your hands.