I have more than one garden, and here's one of them,
Even though i do have a mini tiller, a fill size tiller ect., I have very little weeding to do, and i don't use any preen, chemicals, or chem ferts at all!
I HATE weeding, so i mulch everything in heavy!! I just don't have any amount of weeds, and the few i do have, are easily pulled and added to the mulch!
The way my gardens produce, year after year, shows that i'm doing something right!
And my gardens use so much LESS water too! And, all that mulch gets tilled in, in the fall, to feed "next" years plants...
With heavy mulch, my garden work load is so much less, it makes gardening so much more enjoyable.
I'll never go back to tilling and weeding! Anyway, it works for me!