went to a new place down near stonehenge this weekend just gone - always good to check out some new country!!!
the owner said he'd been seeing lots of pigs around lately, but things didn't turn out that way for me while i was there - but i guess that's pigs for you. either way - it is a very promising property for pigs, and i bet i'll be getting a fair few off there in the future as i get to know the place.
here's a few pics:
a very old steel boat near the thompson river:

The owner was kind enough to lend me a bike while i was there, since i wasn't able to get mine there due to some trailor issues. on the last morning i had only headed about 400 yards from camp when i spotted this fella heading off through the lignum. a quick chase on the bike and a 150gr hornady interlock changed his plans. i was using my trusty S/S ruger hawkeye 308. he was in his prime and in good condition - a fairly solid boar:

next time i'll be taking my own bike out - here she is, a suzuki DR-Z 250: