Don't really get your point,this article was targeted at Rocklock to give him an overview of what information is out there on Carronades,the author of it attempts too much I agree but it gives Rocklock a good start towards knowing whether he wants to learn more about these particular cannons or moves on to something else.I come here to this forum to read what better informed,more experienced people discuss,question and put out information on.I then take off sniffing around websites,books etc. learning all the time.
If only correctly sourced,categorised,researched,authorised,complete with a government health warning,articles were shown here I would get bored and drift off.
My History teacher at school was like that and I lost interest,but I found it again just by reading as much as I could,some good and some written by ' experts '.I go to museums now, ' Museums ' for god's sake,no drinking..........and worse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! very few good looking girlies.
and for Rocklock carronade, one bag of peanuts,perfect squirrel ambush.The beauty of this forum is the huge amount of information shared by like minded people,long may it continue.