Author Topic: I want a trail hip cannon - help me choose  (Read 4528 times)

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I want a trail hip cannon - help me choose
« on: July 28, 2009, 04:12:41 PM »
I want a 44mag and up. I want it to save my bacon from bitey/scratchy critters when I'm bowhunting and backpacking. I've seen and read the reviews on S&WM329, Taurus 444 ultra-lite, and the Taurus tracker 44mag. I don't see much love for Taurus on these forums, and since I'm posting this on the S&W forum, lets stick to S&W products.

I'm not recoil shy and I reload. In fact, unless factory ammo is dirt cheap, I always buy the dies and components when I pick up a new toy. So given my use, and given the selection of S&W products, what would you suggest and how would you carry it?

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Re: I want a trail hip cannon - help me choose
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2009, 07:04:59 AM »
S&W 629 with your preference of barrel lengths.......'nuff said.
"where'd you get the gun....son?"

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Re: I want a trail hip cannon - help me choose
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2009, 08:12:49 AM »
+1 on the M629 I would look at the 4" model.
I would stay away from the airweight guns.  While weight saving they are not pleasant to shoot full power loads in.
and if you want it to save your bacon,  You need to practice with the full power loads.  I would look at standard 240 grain either jacketed hollow points or jacked soft points.
Others here will reccomend 300 grain lead loads.  the ones from Federal fit in the S&W.  Some hand loads are too long and you need a Ruger to house them.  the ruger cylinders are a little longer to handle the heavier bullets.

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Re: I want a trail hip cannon - help me choose
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2009, 08:26:12 AM »

+2 on the M629 I would look at the 4" model !

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Re: I want a trail hip cannon - help me choose
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2009, 08:27:30 AM »
Why not ruger ?
If you pick up dies with your toys a 4" bbl Redhawk in 45 COLT  hand loaded to 44mag spec. is a great trail gun . Bigger hole is well a bigger hole and lets the life out faster of anything trying to hurt you .
BTW check the weight on the Redhawk vs. mod 29 before talking weight it will open your eyes depending on which S&W its a 1/2 oz and can be in favor of the Redhawk .
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Re: I want a trail hip cannon - help me choose
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2009, 09:06:52 AM »
I haven't seen a bad answer yet but I've got to put in my vote for the Ruger Alaskan .454. It's about as cool a hunk of steel as I've ever held. You can shoot .45LC or rediculous full power loads. Some will say too big and the .500S&W crowd will say too small. I say. Oh-OK, maybe a little too big but it's on my hip all day in the woods. Just my $.02.

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Re: I want a trail hip cannon - help me choose
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2009, 10:41:25 AM »
So how many of you actually carry your suggestions backpacking and/or bowhunting? If so, how do you carry? So far, everything suggested is heavy enough to yank your pants down.

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Re: I want a trail hip cannon - help me choose
« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2009, 11:11:06 AM »
I carry a S&W M29 6" in a Bianchi strong side sportsman holster on a gun belt when hunting.
and will carry same or a 4" M28 in a vertical shoulder holster when back packing with a hard frame pack.  The pack belt pushes down on my pistol belt and makes it uncomfortable.
soft frame gets the belt with other items on the belt like flashlight, knife, double speed loader holder with ammo, and GPS.  Sometimes the ammo is 1/2 hunting and the other 1/2 is shot shells for small game up close.
Lately I have been looking at a S&W 629 4" model.  I like the stainless idea,  The 4" works better sitting in a blind, and I have a really good looking set of dark wood grips that will really stand out on the stainless.  But it is hard to plunk down 850+ tax and title on a gun that is very similar to one I already have, like and can shoot well.
A couple friends of mine have gone to the new or semi new S&W 5" J frame model 60 in 357 mag.  they think the small frame with a meduim length barrel and 357 mag are a winning combo when they are elk hunting.  But you asked what I would and do carry.  Thye carry them in various ways and places from an inside the waistband holster in the top of thier boot to shoulder rigs or cross draw.

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Re: I want a trail hip cannon - help me choose
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2009, 11:20:54 AM »
I sold my model 29 so I dont carry one anymore but when I did I carried it on a gun belt. But only hunting since i did not back pack nor bow hunt. Now i carry my glock 21 on a gun belt but i dont reside or hunt in  bear country.
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Re: I want a trail hip cannon - help me choose
« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2009, 12:20:20 PM »
But it is hard to plunk down 850+ tax and title on a gun

Boy that was an eye-opener for me too. I thought the M329 was pricey with the use of Titanium. But then I looked up M629 mountain guns and they were priced pretty close to the M329. Revolvers sure are expensive!


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Re: I want a trail hip cannon - help me choose
« Reply #10 on: July 29, 2009, 01:57:49 PM »
But it is hard to plunk down 850+ tax and title on a gun

Boy that was an eye-opener for me too. I thought the M329 was pricey with the use of Titanium. But then I looked up M629 mountain guns and they were priced pretty close to the M329. Revolvers sure are expensive!

i  like my 5 inch classic     629 smith  the  best

have  a 3  inch gun too   but when   i want  a  44  i want the bigger one

pancake holster for the 3 inch  the few  times  i carried  it
holsters are an  issue with  odd ball lengths

i carry  my  5 inch  gun quite  often
and  mostly in  a home made  holster
it   is  a belly band  holster  made aou of a back support
it  holds the gun  in close  and   is suitable for concealed  carry

when  hunting  and  stop in a retaraunt  i keep  my gun  on  me

if  i didn't like  the 629  SOOOOE  much  i would get the  454 rugar  alaskin.....i still  might
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Re: I want a trail hip cannon - help me choose
« Reply #11 on: July 29, 2009, 04:58:53 PM »
I use a 4" mountain gun in's blued but I'd prefer stainless.  I use a bianchi accumold holster and will probably get some kind of yaqui slide or similar to hold tighter to my body.
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Re: I want a trail hip cannon - help me choose
« Reply #12 on: July 30, 2009, 07:58:40 AM »
I see that nobody has suggested the M329pd. It is less than 1/2 the weight of the hip cannons suggested. The 329 is selling for about $100 more than the M629 new. Given that the 329 has been out a few years, and bugs worked out, what is it about it that turns everyone off?

Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: I want a trail hip cannon - help me choose
« Reply #13 on: July 30, 2009, 11:01:26 AM »
It is not so much working the bugs out.  I think S&W figured out the bugs by 1900 on the double action revolver.  It has more to do with just how lite the gun is.  If you were going to use the gun (M329)in IDPA, or as a carry gun and shoot either Specials or warm specials through it then I say get it.
I really like the lite gun but NOT with the Mag loads.  The barrel flip is huge, as well as the recoil with full house loads.
If something is comming to bite, claw, or what ever you.  I want to be able to put 2 or 3 aimed rounds into said critter quickly.  With the heavier gun I can almost double tap with full house loads.  The airweight guns would be a struggle to get the gun back on target after the first round.  If you add all the time from I see and know a threat to draw the gun, aim/ point, and fire you may not have a whole lot of time to get a second round off.  And if both of your hands are holding the gun just over you left shoulder, you may have a hit bear on you with the gun aimed above him.  And yes recoil with the lite gun moves my arms to the gun is verticle and both elbows are bent.
While the 44 mag is a great round and the 454-500s are better none are a nuke weapon and you may need more than one round to do the dammage you need to stop the thing that is intent on bitting or eating you.  The 500 is the king of the bunch and still only has the energy of a 30-06 at the big hole.  The 44 mag is out proformed by the lowly 30-30 in energy.  For personal defence it is going to be a trade off of power, proformance, and portability. 
Maybe if you loaded it so the cylinder was Special, special, MAG.Repeat.  May give you the quick shots you will need if charged.
Also while learning to shoot the lite guns you may want to have a friend load the gun with specials, empties and Mags.  One click on an empty and you know if you are flinching or pushing on the shot.

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Re: I want a trail hip cannon - help me choose
« Reply #14 on: July 30, 2009, 07:05:01 PM »
I carry a handgun when in the field a lot. What I once considered easy to carry now seems a little heavy. I purchased my first Glock back in the early 90's and they are so light that my big bore revolvers all seem heavy. All except one. The 36 ounce 4 5/8 inch Ruger Blackhawk in 45 Colt. The blued model only weighs 36 ounces. Loaded with a stout 255 or heavier cast load the 45 Colt is a fine woods walking gun. If you want a steel S&W try to find a 4 inch Mountain Gun in 44 Magnum. The Mountain Gun is a fine balance betweel ease of carry and load control. It is plenty of gun for a good 240 grain soft point, 270 grain Speer Gold Dot SP or a 250 Keith at similar velocities. The 300 grain Federal Cast Core is a well balanced heavy weight load that I would trust in a Mountain Gun as well. I would be pretty concerned with recoil and bullet pull with the ultra light 44 Magnum guns when loaded with full power loads. If you do get a 329 4 inch or one of the new Night Guards make sure to give the ammo you plan to carry a good testing for bullet pull. Buffalo Bore makes a 255 grain lower recoil load in 44 Magnum just for the light weight guns. 

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Re: I want a trail hip cannon - help me choose
« Reply #15 on: August 01, 2009, 11:03:13 AM »
+1 on the ruger alaskan 454 its probably my favorite woods roaming gun when i want to carry something bigger than a 22. i shoot laser cast 250 grain 45 colt loads most of the time and hornady 240 grain xtp's for full throttle, carry it in a simply rugged pancake holster which can be worn strong side or cross draw, also keep a few 45 colt snake shot loads handy when walking in the woods.

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Re: I want a trail hip cannon - help me choose
« Reply #16 on: August 03, 2009, 03:08:40 AM »
Not being recoil shy doesn't mean you can hit your target every time either. Bullet placement is far more important than caliber, in my opinion.
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Re: I want a trail hip cannon - help me choose
« Reply #17 on: August 03, 2009, 03:31:19 AM »
Shooting a light load does not mean you can either . It would seem that one would have the blance of power to accy worked out long befoe the need to defend ones self presented itself . That said NO HAND GUN IS THE BEST CHOICE !!!!! so it would only make sense to carry as powerful one as you can shoot well .
Maybe some one can enlighten us - in most places its illegal to kill a bear except in self defense outside hunting season , If the bear is not close enough to get powder burns you might have some explaining to do . That means you and the bear are close enough to spit on each other right . With that thought how hard is it to point and fire ? Will your fear of the attack be enough to allow you to forget the pain of shooting ? I don't know about the rest here but if my life depended on it i would pull the trigger on a 458 win mag with my nose pressed aginst the back of the bolt ! Yea i know it would be hard to aim ! but at spitting distance .
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Re: I want a trail hip cannon - help me choose
« Reply #18 on: August 03, 2009, 04:07:44 AM »
are  there any studies  on  how  a bear  responds to  the muzzle blast  at spitting distence??

i  wouldn't depend on  it  but  will  it be a bonus??
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Re: I want a trail hip cannon - help me choose
« Reply #19 on: August 10, 2009, 07:17:00 PM »
I have a 6-1/2" 629 Classic and a 4" 329PD. When I go fishing, or photo shooting up into the Sierra Nevada mountains in Eastern California I carry the 329PD. I load it with Speer Short Barrel 200 grain, Buffalo Bore 185 grain Heavy .44 Special, or Speer 270 grain GDSP. I have found this light revolver has a tendency to 'Crimp jump' with my reloads I reload and practice with the comparable loads, but carry the factory loadings. The Speer 270 has the most recoil, but I am partial to the GDSP bullet.
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Re: I want a trail hip cannon - help me choose
« Reply #20 on: August 11, 2009, 01:03:55 AM »
no studies i have heard of but if it appears you shoot a bear that didn't need shooting you are in deep do .
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Re: I want a trail hip cannon - help me choose
« Reply #21 on: August 11, 2009, 05:18:50 AM »
I have a 6-1/2" 629 Classic and a 4" 329PD. When I go fishing, or photo shooting up into the Sierra Nevada mountains in Eastern California I carry the 329PD. I load it with Speer Short Barrel 200 grain, Buffalo Bore 185 grain Heavy .44 Special, or Speer 270 grain GDSP. I have found this light revolver has a tendency to 'Crimp jump' with my reloads I reload and practice with the comparable loads, but carry the factory loadings. The Speer 270 has the most recoil, but I am partial to the GHSP bullet.

crimp  jump  is  worse  in  short [light]  bullets
long   [heavy]  bullets  have  more   bullet /case  friction

so  i read  but can't confirm
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Re: I want a trail hip cannon - help me choose
« Reply #22 on: August 11, 2009, 05:25:33 AM »
In .44 mag, I don’t think I really want to go any lower than my 629 Mtn Gun at 41.6 oz. (with Pachmayr grips). I consider the .45 Colt marginally more potentially effective than .44 mag, but not enough to get excited about. If I want more power than either .44 mag or hot .45 Colt, I will carry my .500. It weighs 57 oz., so the threat must be perceived to be very real.

Keep in mind: you shoot a bear, out of season without a licence, and you are guilty until proven innocent. Powder burns on the hide will help.


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Re: I want a trail hip cannon - help me choose
« Reply #23 on: August 11, 2009, 05:26:33 AM »
S&W pretty much says that on their first sil. 357 mag.
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Re: I want a trail hip cannon - help me choose
« Reply #24 on: August 11, 2009, 09:24:35 AM »
In .44 mag, I don’t think I really want to go any lower than my 629 Mtn Gun at 41.6 oz. (with Pachmayr grips). I consider the .45 Colt marginally more potentially effective than .44 mag, but not enough to get excited about. If I want more power than either .44 mag or hot .45 Colt, I will carry my .500. It weighs 57 oz., so the threat must be perceived to be very real.

Keep in mind: you shoot a bear, out of season without a licence, and you are guilty until proven innocent. Powder burns on the hide will help.

if i gotta shoot a bear out of season I dont give a rats ass what is next! If i gotta shoot one I aint waiting to be sure I get powder burns! better to be judged by 12 than carried by six! the key word is gotta
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Re: I want a trail hip cannon - help me choose
« Reply #25 on: August 11, 2009, 09:43:32 AM »
But would ya shoot one at 50 yards and call it self defense ?
SS&S still seems a good option in some cases
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Re: I want a trail hip cannon - help me choose
« Reply #26 on: August 11, 2009, 09:50:23 AM »
PROLLY NOT FIFTY UNLESS HE IS ON A DEAD RUN COMING AT ME! And yes SSS is definitely my way of handling those kinda situations. only no second S for a big bear!  :o
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Re: I want a trail hip cannon - help me choose
« Reply #27 on: August 11, 2009, 09:53:12 AM »
watch for the little wire in the hair , best to leave post haste . ;D
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

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Re: I want a trail hip cannon - help me choose
« Reply #28 on: August 11, 2009, 12:58:35 PM »
 I'm carrying a 44 super redhawlk alaskan on my hip lately. I adapted a  carry holster for it from a 7" carry hunter holster just cut 3" off it and it fits snug, had to add a lace to tie it down to my leg. I'm on and off a tractor, bike and vehicle and this little rig I put together with the alaskan an it stays out of the way pretty good. I do practice alot with it so a pop can at 25 yrds is in mortal danger usually 4 out of 6 shots. My 2 cents.



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Re: I want a trail hip cannon - help me choose
« Reply #29 on: August 11, 2009, 04:19:55 PM »
i  still think  your  best  of  with smith  629  44 mag
barrel length  of choice

but  this  thread  is  about  a ''CANNON''

that  454  is  really  a cannon....i  was  just reading  a ballistic chart
that  ruger   alaskan  is  a nice  sized  gun

small  but  not  too  small

the  500 SnW   is  a bigger cannon
it  is  available in 3 inch  barrel........and is  sill   HUGE
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