Survival mode is entirely different. Chances are you will not remember anything in regards to noise, acquiring sights, how many rounds you have fired, and muzzle blast. And recoil is just another one of those "technical" thing people worry about. Like folks worry about rate of follow up shots due to excessive recoil. If my life depends on fractions of a second difference in follow up shot times, then I didn't train enough. I personally worry about, and train to improve, things like shooting with my weak hand, recognizing cover, watching hands and eyes, point shooting at 6" to 10 feet, and shooting from positions they don't put in the "manual". The biggest "involuntary" reaction a person possesses is to NOT pull the trigger on another human being. Once you are being threatened with your life and that reaction goes away, then they all go away and the only thing you will do is do as you are trained to do. I've been through all the drills and stress fires in the world, but they were never(speaking hypothetically, but have known cases this bad) with me wearing only underwear, a six shot revolver with no reloads, kid screaming in the background, complete darkness since the comotion just woke you from a dead sleep, been working 18hrs, drank too much at happy hour, and there are two burglars that just kicked your child in the face to shut him/her up, within 7 ft armed and have the drop on you. Would you really worry about recoil in a situation like this?