Sverre A.
I have two SSK 375JDJ's for my Contender's, and had an Encore 454 12" when they first came out. The 375's are alot more manageable than the 454 even though the Contender weighs about a pound less. Part of that comes from the grips - Pachy Gripper's verses the factory wood Encore, and part due to the muzzle brakes on the 375's. One of mine wears the SSK Arrestor brake, and the other the 4 slot Mag-Na-Port - the SSK brake does a much better job of the two. The brakes really tame the torque, and that was the biggest nasty with the 454 Encore. Its my guess that if the Redhawk is not a problem for you, the 375 will not be either.
I'll send you a PM.
Ladobe :bye: