Kids around here do what they call "rallying". They get some money together and buy an old car or truck and take it out on the back trails and see how much fun they can have jumping and flying over ditches and banks. They go like mad till they break something that stops the vehicle. Then they drag it home and make enough repairs just to get it back on the trail again. In the end they have totally destroyed the vehicle. If it dies out on the river bed it becomes the center piece for a big bonfire and beer party. Otherwise it is dragged home and left, till dad hauls it to the dump years later.
Well one of these vehicles was sitting in the back yard of a local man, whose kid had left it there. The kid is now in the military and gone. The guy had loaded it up on a trailer to haul to the land fill. Broken springs and shocks, blown head gasket, leaking radiator, crumpled fenders. His wife was bugging him for a new car to drive back and forth to work. She had selected the car and was ready to go get financing. He read about the clunker program, and that the only requirement to qualify for the clunker program, was that it be driven in to the dealership. The tags on the vehicle were still current anyway. He went out and found the old rally car would start. Smoked, popped, knocked, missed, screamed, but it ran. Did not sound like it would last long, but it ran.
Towed it into town, parked across the street from the dealer ship. Unloaded the car, fired it up, drove it across the street, and right up to the dealerships front door. The salesmen hearing the rattling and clunking, and seeing all the smoke billowing out, ran outside and asked him to shut it off. There it died. He got his $4,500.00 on the purchase of a new car for his wife. Killed two birds with one stone so to speak. Got the old rally car out of the yard, without having to pay the fee at the land fill. And got the wife off his back about a new car for her. The locals are really making a big deal out of this.