Yes, indeed, I am happy to say that there is a SURE-CURE.
Get a Mosin Carbine, and about 500 rounds of ammunition. Go out to your gun range in the middle of August, when the temperature is about 100 degrees, with 90% humidity.
Put a large target up at about 100 yards.
Then, sit at the bench, put that steel butt-plate in your shoulder (no-pads allowed), and start shooting.
Keep shooting until you (a) pass-out from the concussion, (b) hemorrage in the shoulder from the recoil, (c) black out from the heat, (d) throw-up from shock, or (e) shoot all 500 rounds, whichever comes first.
After you are revived, and released from the emergency room, I am confident that you will never be interested in holding or shooting any type of Moisen again.