The regulator is just a 9/16-24 ultra fine thread bolt with a hole in
it. If FALs have adjustable by pass gas, BARs have fixed jets.
a) 7mm Mag is .066" hole
b) 300 Mag is .077" hole [p/n B3176146]
c) 338 Mag is .059" hole
d) My home made is .078" hole
e) recoil buffer [p/n B3176065]
What does it all mean?
The load in the BAR should eject reliably, but not eject too far, like tuning the springs or the load in a 1911.
If your load is too hot [cases eject too far and bolt slams receiver], you need a bigger regulator hole.
If your load is too wimpy [jams], you need a smaller hole.
If you hole is too small [cases eject too far and bolt slams receiver], make your load wimpier.
If you hole is too big [jams], make your load hotter.