The biggest blotter to soak up U.S. aid funds is the United Nations..too often united against us and of course Israel. The UN doesn't like true democratic republics, fact is the clowns who run the UN would like very much to run the world ! Note..their "human rights comission" is populated with reps from African & Muslim repressive regimes. These reps from hard line totalitarian regimes held a conference which the U.S. and Israel boycotted. No surprise; this group of idiots declared these two nations as sponsors of terrorism. For the U.S. & Israel to attend that conference would have been like Wayne LaPierre to attend a meeting of the Brady bunch, or Billy Graham to attend an ACLU policy session.
Yes, Israel keeps tabs on what the U.S. has in mind as does EVERY nation of any consequence..and the U.S. returns the favor to each of believe anything different would be gross international unawareness, to say the least. The U.S. also gets a great deal of intel concerning the midddle east..FROM Israel.
Back to the Useless Nothing...they take the lion's share of our outgoing aid budget..and spit in our face time after time. They want to take over the raising of OUR children, take over our court system, prosecute & persecute our troops in THEIR courts and they have fully endorsed Al Gore's bogus "global warming" fairy tale..and want to impinge upon OUR rights here in the U.S...without calling to account places such as China, India, African & Arab dictatorships.
BTW: Islamofacists always point to the USS Liberty as some kind of "proof" that Israel is bad. That happened 40+ years ago and may well have been a case of mistaken identity..who knows ? Let us be realistic however, that one doubtful incident pales in comparison to the murders perpetrated by Muslims on 9/11 alone..say nothing of the 12,000 or so terrorist acts perpetrated by Muslim nutcases since then.
Beerbelly..If you wish to berate Powderman as "brainwashed" by the Israeli side, yet still not even mention the thousands of Muslim endorsed terrorist acts, then as you point your finger at Powderman..realize there are 3 fingers pointing back at yourself..surely there is more reason to believe you are the "brainwashed" one..favoring the side of Islam.