I've listened to the news of late (always a mistake), and anyone opposed to the total government takeover of our industries and healthcare is labeled "Nazi".
While I listen to this, I think back to the parallels of our time with those of the '30s. Best I can remember, there were many:
1. Collapsing economic system
2. Socialist programs accompanied by consolidation of power into the hands of a few as a response to "crisis". Never let a good crisis go to waste, as the administration says.
3. Dissenting voices being scape goated (you'd have to be intentionally overlooking the behavior of the socialists to be blind to this). Name calling like Nazis, evil capitalist management, racists, you get the point. An effective tool to regain lost ground in an argument is to name call and stereotype.
4. Government sympathists used to quell opposition (re union "representatives" guarding the town hall meetings)
5. nationalization of heavy industry
6. An utter disbelief in most of the world that there are evil regimes willing to kill and destroy their enemies (thanks, Neville Chamberlain)
Hope?, Change?, I really don't think that anyone can equivocate general opposition to a war with a desire to be taken over by communists. This is NOT what I believe most Americans were "hoping" for.
Mostly, I am sick of being called an "ultra right winger", or a "Nazi" because I oppose the Democrat agenda. If anyone is acting Nazi like, it's the allies of the left in this country. It was imperial socialists that brought us into WWII, the cold war, and what might be a coming apocalypse brought about by uncontrolled govt expansion.