I listened to a bit of Obama's townhall meeting. I heard him say that Medicare unfunded obligations that can't be met. A bit later, I heard him say that "if Medicare pays 90 cents on the dollar, then providers shift that 10% to privately insured individuals".
From the above, I think I know their plan. Get some people on socialized medicine and pay as Medicare does. The cost will be shifted to privately insured individuals. People will leave their private insurers as costs escalate. Then when everyone is on the social plan, they can pay fifty cents on the dollar. But we know that one of the fundamental laws of economics is a cap in prices leads to shortages of the product and long lines.
An alternative would to bring the troops home from those 130 countries they are deployed and use those trillions to cover leaving the older people on medicare while doing away with it for those younger. Get government out of medicine, relax regulation, and then private competition will bring prices down. One person said that 75% of the cost of medicine is government regulation.
Like government has no money of it's own, it also has no power of it's own, except that which is given it by the people or that which is taken from them. Albert Nock