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Well I'll try22 long rifle222222 mag223223 inp22/250220 swift243243 imp24-300 wsm25/0625/06 imp25-300 wsm257 wby257 stw264 win mag6.5 stw6.5 ultra mag6.5- 338 ultra shortend .1875270 win 270 inp27 stw27 ultra mag27/338 ultra shortend280 inp7 mag7 stw7 ultra7/338 ultra shortend7/378 wby30/0630/30308300 win300 norma300 wby300 ultra 300/338 shortend300 ultra300 HH300/378 wby8 mag8 ultra8/378 wby338 win340 wby338 ultra338/300 ultra338/378 wby338 ultra shortend .1875375 HH375 wby378 wby375 ruger416 rem416 wby458 win458 lott460 wby460 minnie thats all I can think of right off hand.Evrey one needs a HOBBIE!
;)222, How did you find the .222 and .223 on deer?? We all hear that they are unreliable, I have shot light big game with both, and only had one near failure. They really preformed better than the 243 class of rifle.