Take a look at the cartridge the bullet in question was designed for. A 38-55 gives less velocity then the old 375Winchester. This "Original" bullets are NOT the "X" bullet JD Jones warns about. Also, if you are experienced in reloading, there is nothing unsafe about the "X" bullet. Most people break the golden rules about switching components and not restarting your load development. The "X" bullet is longer because it is solid copper. This longer bullet increases the bearing surface in the barrel and thus raises pressures quicker. A safe load with a traditional bullet WILL ruin a barrel with an "X" bullet, in the Contender. I'm also using the Encore, so I have more barrel around the chamber. It is just a bullet weight heavier than the old 375Winchester is loaded for, but lighter than the big 375H&H or 378Weatherby cases. This was my reason for asking. I know I can work with data using 260gr bullets for all intensive purposes, I was simply asking if anyone else had tried these and maybe had a "Recommended" load/powder for better accuracy.