UPDATE: 17 FEB 2010 @ 1324
547 Handi-Holics.
1,919 Complete Guns.
275 Extra Barrels.
14 Extra Frames.
3.7 per Handi-Holic
Updated Handi-holic-ism Level Chart:
1 Intern Handi-holic
4 Average Handi-holic
8 Journeyman Handi-holic
11 Senior Handi-holic
15 Master Handi-holic
23 Terminal NUTS Handi-holic!
46+ These guys are morphing into Handi-Gods!
I will do better at keeping this up-to-date.
Deavis: Thanks.
John-78: Sorry, there is no known cure for this, don’t really think anyone is working on one. It is one of those orphan diseases.
Spikehorn: You are right. Getting and shooting more handi’s gives temporary relief.
John-78: Sometimes fondling a Handi just before bed-time helps.
Spikehorn: The definition of addiction, lucky it is still legal.
Redbang: Not sure if anyone has all production cartridges ever made, some of us do have multiples’ of some cartridges.
Spikehorn: Another Handi-Fix, helps the addiction.
BigDave54: Good wife. Maybe we can get a class-action against H&R for the Handi-holic-ism and force them to make more!
BikerBeans: Good going, just don’t understand how someone give up a perfectly good used barrel. Are they trying to fight the addiction?
Spikehorn: Women and motorcycles are necessities of life.
WhiteTailManiac: One of the really good ones.
Mechanic: Another one of the really good ones.
BikerBeans: Finding a gun that you didn’t know you had is a great thing, you get the GOOD feeling without it costing any $. I have starting putting “Go To Work” on my daily To-Do list, tough getting older.
Ulav8r: 38-55 Target is one of my favorites.
GCrank1: You must have the Handi-holic gene in your DNA for Handi-holic-ism to act so quickly.
Tom ThreeToes: The 45 Colt carbine gets the most attention at the range, everyone that sees it wants to touch it then wants to fire it.
Guns-o-fun: You are starting to gather momentum; you could be quite nuts soon.
Troy5775: A Handi-holic family, like it!
LongTom: I think you are Terminal-NUTS twice!!! You are going where no man has gone before!
RedBang: Nice.
SpikeHorn: You are right … I need to come up with another category.
JSLHandGunner: Thanks.
Guns-o-fun: Turkeys go to LongToms house to view his collection.
Rice Paddy Daddy: That Classic Youth sure has a nice stock-set on it.
JeepMann1: Can never have too many Hornets.
Amdak: One is the best start. Love the holes that the 500 S&W Magnum make’s in things. Don’t forget that you can shoot 500 Specials thru it, easier on our body and still the big hole.
GCrank1: SELL! Wash your mouth out with soap.
Bud1: We need to change your handle to “Bud1 AI” (Bud1 Ackley Improved).
Dcary7: I have a 308 Survivor, only way to get a 308 with a heavy barrel. I switched the survivor stock-set out because I wanted a laminated stock-set. Great little target gun.
Redbang: Boy, you have it bad.
Wrongpaw: I am soooo… proud of you.
BullShop Junior: Welcome and Thanks.
StrikenMike: A good start, Thanks.
DoveHunter: Welcome and thanks.
Zank: Good to hear you added your son.
Skiforce: More to come… love to hear that.
DaGris: Welcome and thanks.
Rayzor: Welcome and thanks.
Note: Please Handi-holics, even ones with only one Handi, we need your numbers (number of Handi-holics is more important than the Handi’s themselves, counting the guns is just fun). Besides we all started with just one Handi.
Tim can represent the NUMBER of handi-holics whenever he talks with anyone connected to the Company. It can’t hurt.