Yea, I remember when the double tap entered police training. At the same time the 9mm got popular, and for that reason. I started training the double tap in about 1980 and officers carrying the 9mm were in some cases a little disturbed that it was necessary, but I continued to teach it.
Body armor for the bad guy has definitely changed things, and it is a consideration, but I would ask anyone that has actually been in a pistol fight, if a head shot was on his or her agenda, or just gettin a hit was paramount.
The adrenaline valve is turned up to the point that your mind seems to be processing in slow motion. Your ears are stopped up because of this, and your own shots seem to be far away, and you feel no recoil even though your shooting a magnum. And you have tunnel vision, and only see you opponent.
Quite an experience. I wonder if Sheriff Wilson has ever actually experienced that?