Pros and Cons to everything. A manufacture could make a million items (Cannons?) and no problem, A million and one, and Bingo, lose everything to a lawsuit. A Lawyer I know very well once told me that anything is legal until you get caught. So, with that in mind, I have sent raw material to three different manufactures on this forum, and gotten satisfactory results in all cases. I didn't ask for them to provide any assurances that their workmanship was flawless, I accepted them as returned to me in good faith that they would preform as intended, which they did. At some point a person has to accept responsibility for their own actions. I personally wouldn't sell any cannon or mortar to anyone, because I'm not in that business, except on the condition that once out of my hands, it was totally their responsibility. Period. Sign on the dotted line that you understand and agree to these terms! However, we understand it is almost impossible to insulate yourself from lawsuits, especially since there are so many lawyers ready and willing to sue over anything. If I ever get ready to get out of the hobby, I'd give (or will) my equiptment to another cannoneer, knowing that they at least would have an understanding what care was involved in firing these little beauties. Brings to mind the old, often used quote, "A gun is a tool, nothing more, it can't kill anyone on it's own" Same story with a cannon or mortar, except they are a bit easier to fire, so some Darwin Award winner could fire one improperly and cause major acts of destruction! BoomLover