Hi All,
I am an outdoor educator and am looking for some new real life examples of the things I talk about in the hunter education, archery education, trapper education, acquatic education and any other ourtdoor education topics. For example, one of the topics I beat to death in a hunter education class is "landowner relations." I cannot stress enough the value & importance of having a good & mutual relationship with the landowner of any privately owned land you hunt or recreate on. I have a career of examples to draw from, but I also like to hear & share the experiences of others. I am teaching an bow hunter safety class in a couple weeks and a firearms hunter safety class after that so we can start with any landowner related stories, property posting stories, disrespect stories, etc etc etc. I try to offer as much as I possibly can in a class so that everyone can get something out of it, and adding real life experiences is one of the best ways to do that. So let me hear them.
Thanks, Brett