If your mind is made up on a 7mm I'd look at a 7mm RM/7mm WSM. Both sticks will probably need aftermarket barrels to make up for the heavy for caliber bullets, although a 700P in 7mm RM should be able to stabilize the 162 A-Max and 168 Bergers if pushed hard enough. Either of those two bullets will be more than enough to kill a deer at well beyond your comfort range, and the Bergers can be used for larger game. The A-Max bullet can be devistating on game, it's just that as much as the bullet fragments on impact (target bullet) you will want to stick to lung/heart shots where you don't have to necessarily push through a shoulder bone.
If you are keeping your shots under 300yds, the .270 with a 130gr TSX will kill anything big that you can put in your scope in North America...provided you can put the bullet where it is needed. With some of the bullets with a better BC, you can push deer size game much further.