Let's see if not buying gun rags = new gun
G&A, Shooting Times, GunWorld, Guns, Rifle, Handloader:
5 Rags per month X approx $5.00/issue X 12 months/year= $300.00/yr
Depending on what you wanted to buy you might have saved yourself enough money & aggrivation to get a new gun (on sale of course).
I've gotten to where I just go to the bookstore and read them there (if they have an article I'm interested in. For me to buy it, it has to have what I consider "MUST HAVE INFORMATION" for me to add it to my collection. Haven't added to my collection in over 18months. :wink:
I will continue to spend my hard to comeby cash on powder, primers & bullets to feed my guns, until the writers become more objective, I doubt that I'll support the written word.
Besides, we have the internet to research new firearms & loads and its usually cheaper than magazines.
Just my 2cents